music in the park, psychedelic furs

Richard “Ricky” Luciano Martinez, 53, of Gilroy, died Saturday when his Harley Davidson motorcycle crashed into a car making a turn on Leavesley Road, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
The accident occurred at 5:25 p.m.when Martinez was heading eastbound and was struck by a 2000 Ford driven by 22-year-old Gustavo Martinez, who was traveling at 10 m.p.h. and turning left toward Holsclaw Road, directly into the motorcycle’s path. 
The bike hit the right rear door of the car. 
Martinez was pronounced dead at San Jose Regional Hospital at 6:40 p.m. 
The collision is being investigated. Anyone with information, or who witnessed the crash, can call the CHP at (408) 848-2324 and ask for officer J. Smith.
Here is his obituary at the Habing Family Funeral Home website:
“As if by design, he died doing what he loved most, riding the motorcycle. Ricky was born on March 21, 1964, the eldest son of Luciano and Maria Martinez, brother to Robert, identical twins Laura and Lilly. Ricky is survived by his partner Sonia Garcia, his only son Richard, and 2 daughters: Kayla and Nina. His grandchildren include: Ava Martinez, Brittany, May Jane and Sarah.
“Ricky was a talented artist, skilled rider, lover of animals and in love with love. He was generous, selfless, faithful, funny and a passionate human. He often fed the homeless and visited sick and injured friends and family. Ricky lived daily as if it were his last, beating death many times over and yet still loving life. Ricky faced illness with courage, strength, and grace. Ricky was a founding member and served as Treasurer for the Mr. Hateful MC.”
Friends and family are invited to visit on Sunday, April 23rd from 1:00-9:00 p.m. A Catholic vigil will be held at Habing Family Funeral located at 129 Fourth Street at 6:30 pm. The funeral mass will be celebrated on Monday, April 24th at 10:00 am at St. Mary’s Parish located at 11 First St., followed by a gathering at Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Martinez residence.

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