City council candidate Larry Carr.
montessori school of silicon valley

Why are you running?

Morgan Hill is home to me and my family. I grew up in this town and it is far more important to me than simply a place where I own a home. Like many people in Morgan Hill I chose to live here, for the quality of life, for the family-friendly approach, for the neighbors and the downtown we all enjoy. To continue to provide leadership and direction as Morgan Hill grows and faces challenges in the future is the reason I am running for re-election.

What are your three top priorities?

After hiring Morgan Hill’s next City Manager, public safety: Funding more police officers, lowering crime and stopping gang activity

Sustainability/environment: controlling growth, protecting open space

morgan hill senior housing

Families: partnerships with schools, recreation facilities and programs

What will be your objectives when negotiating new contracts with the city’s three labor unions when the current contracts expire June 30, 2013?

Treat all employees with respect and honor their service. Provide for stable good paying jobs that are competitive with cities in Silicon Valley.  

What kind of relationship do you expect the council to have with the new city manager over the next four years, whoever he or she may be?

A positive relationship centered on trust, respect and a commitment to serving Morgan Hill. In Morgan Hill the City Manager is charged with the day-to-day running of the city at the “ground-level.” As a Councilmember I expect to set policy and provide direction, but it is the City Manager who implements these decisions. The City Manager is a trusted resource for information about issues and ideas for solving problems.

Would you support asking the voters for a local tax (sales, parcel, utility, etc.) to provide an extra source of revenue to pay for street repairs or other basic services which cannot be adequately covered by existing revenue sources?

Asking voters to support paying a local tax is something I do not take lightly. Currently, Morgan Hill residents pay no local tax at all. I know that families are struggling and a local tax would be burdensome for many. The City Council will need to spend the time it takes to really examine the need and all options that may be available for new revenue. If the need can truly be justified, then yes I would support asking voters. It should be in the voter’s hands to make decisions about tax increases. The Council should make the case for any new revenues and my support would be predicated on the level of new service that would be provided by the new revenues.

Do you think the City should continue to pursue redevelopment of downtown properties such as the Granada Theater and Downtown Mall, despite the absence of the redevelopment agency and the recent state controller’s report that could remove local control of those resources?

The former RDA owned properties in downtown are in the hands of the Morgan Hill Economic Development Corporation, a nonprofit charged with developing the properties to the specifications set forth in the Downtown Specific Plan. These are long-held goals of the community of Morgan Hill supported by the community and we should be trying to achieve these goals. Yes, I think the city should continue to pursue redeveloping downtown properties and work with the MHEDC to redevelop the former Granada Theater and the Downtown Mall.

Do you think there is enough cultural or ethnic diversity on the city’s three commissions? What would you do to improve diversity?

I think we can always try to improve on the diversity of the city’s commissions. However, I think we have a good diversity of perspectives and that is very valuable. Commissioners put in a lot of work and I am grateful for the positive impact they have made. I will continue to reach out through my networks in churches, schools, youth sports, business owners to find the best candidates for city commissions.

What volunteer activities are you involved in?

I am an active parent in my children’s school. I am a volunteer coach for South County Basketball Academy and South Valley Flag Football. I serve on the Board of Directors for an education non-profit, Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education. I have volunteered for the Taste of Morgan Hill, the Mushroom Mardi Gras and Leadership Morgan Hill (class of 2007).

What are your two favorite movies? Why?

I am a fan of the Batman series of movies. Good vs. evil, great action and effects, a reminder of the comic books from my childhood. But, probably the reason I have really enjoyed these movies is sharing them with my kids.

“Princess Bride” This is a great fairy tale. The story is actually being read to a young boy by his grandfather. And what starts with a boy not very interested in a story about a princess and true love becomes an adventure that he cannot resist and does not want to end. The adventure is fun and many of the lines are very funny. Another movie that I have enjoyed with my kids.

Do you think the city and council should do more to reach out to the community to inform residents of meetings, decisions and events that affect them?

Yes. Funding for this has been a struggle with the recent budget challenges the city has faced. I do believe the city can do more in the area of communicating with the community. I would like to see a greater use of new technologies, especially social media to reach out to the community and not only keep the community better informed but also engage more people in a dialogue about issues and the direction we are headed as a city.

Where do you think the city should purchase property to develop new baseball and softball fields?

There are several appropriate parcels for the city to consider. The challenge is not just where it is located, but are the parcels large enough and of the correct shape to configure the right number of baseball and softball fields. I would support trying to negotiate a reasonable price for an appropriate sized and shaped property with a close proximity to the current public recreational facilities as a high priority.

As an incumbent, what is the best decision and worst decision you’ve made in your time on the City Council?

Worst decision, putting Measure G on the ballot without unanimous support from the city council.

Best decision, voting in favor of keeping the library in its current location.

Larry Carr, incumbent
Age: 43
Occupation: Associate vice president of public affairs at SJSU
Family: Two children at Charter School of Morgan Hill

music in the park, psychedelic furs
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