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The developer of a proposed industrial project in the northern end of Morgan Hill has submitted plans that show three separate buildings totaling more than 1 million square feet of industrial and commercial space. The developer said the project could mean hundreds of new jobs.

The project is located adjacent to De Paul Health Center, just off the intersection of Cochrane Road and De Paul Drive. 

Plans submitted to the city show three buildings, at 191,160 square feet, 320,340 square feet and 533,220 square feet. A total of 734 parking stalls are proposed, as well as 192 loading bays. 

Building heights range from 36 to 41 feet. Buildings 2 and 3 show a proposed cell structure on the roof that could add 50 feet.

Morgan Hill spokesperson Maureen Tobin said the planning commission will be conducting a preliminary review of the actual project, with new designs expected to be presented. The previous meeting held in May served as a scoping meeting for the environmental impact report.

The draft environmental impact report is expected to be released for public review in December. The report will also look at alternatives to the proposal, such as a “reduced development scenario and a no development scenario,” according to city planning officials.

Earlier this year, Dallas-based developer Trammell Crow purchased the 61-acre property adjacent to Highway 101 at Cochrane Road and submitted an application to the city to rezone a majority of the land for industrial use. 

The project has spurred the formation of a group of citizens who call themselves Morgan Hill Responsible Growth Coalition, urging residents to speak out against the development.

For information on the project, visit the city’s website at The Oct. 15 planning commission meeting will start at 7pm in council chambers, 17555 Peak Ave. 

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  1. Dont let the name Morgan Hill Tecnology Park fool you. Trammell Crow is building a trucking warehouse and distribution center. 192 loading docks and additional parking for 300 big rigs. They will tell you that they want to attract Google, Apple and a host of other high tech companies but none have expressed an interest. There are no windows in the proposed buildings. Every tech company I have been in have lots of windows. I invite all of you to search online if the tech companies buildings that Trammell Crow has cited. You will see, without exception lots of windows in all of them. What you wont see are massive amount of loading docks.
    Warehouse workers at trucking distribution centers make slightly more than minimum wage. These are not the jobs that Morgan Hill need to attack. Add to this the severe impact to our community and the region on adding 600 big rig trips per day getting on and off at Cochrane Rd. adds to the traffic woes of the region. Noise, air, traffic pollution…do we really want this eyesore at the gateway to Morgan Hill.
    Trammell Crow are out of town developers. They could care less about us. If this project is built upon completion they will leave town looking behind yelling at us “suckers”
    Not only are they not from Morgan Hill I would seriously doubt that any one of them live anywhere close to one if their projects.
    Don’t buy their snake oil. Get involved tell Mayor Rich Constatine, council members Larry Carr, Yvonne Beltean, Rene Spring, and John McKay not to approve the proposed zoning change. The are is already zoned for the kind of businesses we want to attract. What we dont need is a trucking distribution center welcoming visitors at the gateway of Morgan Hill.

  2. JOBS ??? this is a Trammell Crow Public Relations, feel good selling tactic to try to get the unaware citizens to accept their true proposal without exploring the real facts. Don’t fall for their sugar coated PR B/S… Trammell Crow’s project will change our pleasant city forever. Watch out!!!


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