music in the park, psychedelic furs

Santa Clara County Vector Control District has detected West Nile virus in adult mosquitoes collected from an area around portions of the 95020, 95037 and 95046 ZIP code areas that include parts of San Martin. The detection has prompted the scheduling of a truck-mounted adult mosquito control treatment around the site, in an effort to prevent human cases of West Nile. Weather permitting, the ground operations are scheduled for 11pm Oct. 4, and will conclude a few hours later.

Door hangers notifying the public of the scheduled mosquito treatment will be placed in neighborhoods beginning Oct. 2. Notice is also being sent directly to the public in the treatment ZIP codes through AlertSCC, and to those who subscribe to Nextdoor neighborhood networks. General notice also is being provided on various social media platforms, including Yahoo Groups (SCCvector), Facebook, Twitter (SCCvcd), and the SCCvector app.

Monday through Friday, Vector Control staff will be available to answer any questions from the public at 800-314-2427 from 7:30am to 4:30pm. Questions can also be submitted by email to ve********@ce*.org.

The specific details of the operational areas are:

Treatment date:  Thursday, Oct. 4, 11pm, for approximately three hours

Supervisorial Districts: District 1

Cities: San Martin

Centered at: Highland Avenue and Santa Teresa Boulevard

Treatment Zip codes: 95020, 95037, and 95046

Map at:

During the adult mosquito control treatment operations, there is no need to relocate. However, those who wish to minimize exposure for family members or pets may wish to close windows and remain inside during the scheduled time period, which typically lasts three hours. Individuals who have chemical sensitivities may want to consult their physicians. All control treatments utilized are approved by the Federal and State Environmental Protection Agencies and are widely used by Vector Control agencies throughout California.

Health Effects of West Nile Virus

Since the arrival of West Nile Virus to California in 2003, 6,696 people across the state have contracted the disease; 297 of those cases were fatal. During 2018 throughout the state, there have been 114 human cases and five fatalities. In 2017, there were 44 human West Nile-related fatalities; 2015 was a record year for fatalities in the state with 53 deaths.

The virus does not cause symptoms in most people; however, for some individuals it can cause fever, headache, body aches and, in severe cases, significant neurological damage or death.  Adults older than 50 years and individuals with certain chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and kidney disease are most at risk for serious complications.

The public can play an important role in preventing the spread of West Nile virus. The following are some key prevention measures:  

On your property:

•   Mosquitoes lay eggs in water.  Drain or dump standing water weekly.

•   Drain, remove or turn over anything that can hold water: flower pots, planter bases, bird baths, toys, cans, rain gutters, pet dishes, buckets, and old tires. Fix leaky water faucets and sprinklers.

•   Screens on doors and windows should be tight-fitting and in good condition.

•   Do not let your swimming pool water fall below the pump circulation area. Free mosquitofish placement can be requested through Vector Control for neglected pools or ornamental ponds.

Outdoor Activities:

•   Limit outdoor activities during dusk and dawn to prevent mosquito bites.  Those are the times when the mosquitoes that transmit West Nile Virus are most active.

•   If you need to go outside in an area where mosquitoes are active:

Dress in long-sleeve shirts and long pants, preferably in light colors.

Apply insect repellent following label instructions.

Contact the Santa Clara County Vector Control District if you are being bothered by mosquitoes or know of a potential mosquito-breeding source.

For free assistance with mosquito control, WNV or other vectors, residents can contact the District office Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. by calling (408) 918-4770, or by filling out a service request online at

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