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To help the community ease back into the routine of school days,
Morgan Hill Police officers were out in force the first week for
Operation Safe Schools.
To help the community ease back into the routine of school days, Morgan Hill Police officers were out in force the first week for Operation Safe Schools.

The increased coverage of school zones also continued the second week, said MHPD Lt. Joe Sampson.

“Mainly what we are seeing is moving violations,” Sampson said. “People speeding through a school zone at 45 or 50 mph, people running stop signs in school zone and making unsafe turns.”

Sampson said many people who do not have children may not realize school is back in session and school safety zones are again in effect. Parents rushing to get students dropped off on their way to work may also be driving faster than they should, he said.

But officers are also looking at pedestrians. Sampson said people sometimes forget when in a hurry to use the crosswalk, and he asked parents to remind their children to use the crosswalks if they walk to school by themselves or in a group.

On Aug. 24, the first day of school, Sampson said, MHPD sent out seven patrol cars during school start times.

“Lt. (Terrie) Booten and I each went out individually in a patrol car to help with traffic enforcement,” he said. “Our officers issued a lot of warnings. We did issue citations, but we’re trying to balance education with enforcement. We are really encouraging people to slow down, remember there are kids out there.”

Sampson said there were citations issued for speeding, for unsafe turning, failing to yield.

There were a few minor fender benders on the first day of school, but no real problems.

Sampson said officers issued 45 citations for moving violations and 35 warnings during the first week of school.

Marilyn Dubil covers education and law enforcement for The Times. She can be reached by e-mail at mdubil@morganhiltimes .com or phoning (408) 779-4106 Ext. 202

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