music in the park, psychedelic furs

Nov. 2

Fraud: A resident of Sorrel Way reported someone stole checks from her residence and tried to cash a check at Washington Mutual on her account. The report was taken at 4:39pm.

Vandalism: A resident of the Monte Vista Apartments reported a window of their vehicle was shattered overnight. The report was taken at 6:04pm.

Burglary: A vacant home on Sorrel Way was broken into overnight. A paint sprayer, microwave oven, air compressor, four ceiling fans and other items, valued at approximately $3,500, were stolen. The report was taken at 6:18pm.

hreats: A resident of Darnis Circle reported someone is leaving messages on her phone, threats of killing her and accusations of affairs, and she doesn’t recognize the caller ID. The report was taken at 7:05pm.

Nov. 3

Grand theft: A Morgan Hill resident reported he was in the Johnson Lumber Ace Hardware store on Tennant Avenue and when he returned to his truck, the rear tool box was open and all the tools stolen. The items taken were valued between $1,500 and $2,000. The report was taken at 1:32pm.

Stolen vehicle: A resident of the Hill Haven Mobile Home Park reported a Nissan Sentra was stolen during the afternoon. The report was taken at 9:41pm.

Auto burglary: A Morgan Hill resident reported their vehicle was broken into while parked in the Live Oak High parking lot during a football game. CDs were stolen and the stereo was damaged. Damages were estimated to be $300. The report was taken at 10:43pm.

Nov. 4

Threats: A Morgan Hill resident reported her ex-boyfriend threatened to bash her head in. She told police she broke up with him in February but he won’t leave her alone. The report was taken at 9:41am.

Nov. 5

Stolen vehicle: A Morgan Hill resident reported he left his vehicle in the parking lot at the Jack in the Box restaurant on Monterey Road, and when he returned, it was gone. The report was taken at 10:37am.

Auto burglary: A Chevy Tahoe was broken into while parked at the soccer complex on Murphy Avenue. A window was shattered, and a purse was stolen. The report was taken at 11:54am.

Battery: An employee of the Comfort Inn on Condit road reported her employer attacked her, and her face was scratched. She told police there was a miscommunication, and she went to collect her belongings and proof of work, and that’s when her employer attacked her. The report was taken at 3:53pm.

Suspicious circumstances: A resident of Myrtle Avenue reported she found her dog dead by the side of the house. She told policed the dog was fine two hours earlier. She also told police her cat was poisoned six months ago, according to a veterinarian. The report was taken at 8:10pm.

Morgan Hill Arrests:

Gardell B. Cory, 57, was released to a hospital after he was charged on suspicion of being under the influence of a controlled substance. The report was taken on Oct. 27 at 1:33pm.

Veronica L. Villa, 30, was cited and released for alleged petty theft. The report was taken at 1:55pm on Oct. 27.

Miguel D. Mena, 45, was cited and released on suspicion of being drunk in public. The report was taken on Nov. 1 at 10:40am.

Maria F. Millan, 49, was booked into Santa Clara County Jail for alleged fraud. The report was taken at 11:41 on Nov. 2.

Sheriff arrests

Marijuana in a vehicle

James Edward Bauman, 31, of San Jose, Saturday, Oct. 28 at 9:21am at the intersection of Oak Glen Avenue and Willow Springs Road in Morgan Hill, for possession of marijuana in a vehicle and an open alcohol container in a vehicle.

Controlled substances

Edmund Ayala, 50, of Arroyo Circle and Leavesley Road, Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 4:20am for unauthorized possession of controlled substances and being under the influence of controlled substances. Ayala made a suicide threat over the Internet. When a sheriff arrived to conduct a welfare check, he noticed symptoms of stimulant use and found methamphetamine in Ayala’s vehicle.


Johnny Rodriguez, 42, a transient, Sunday, Nov. 5 at 4:31pm at the intersection of Lewis and Chestnut streets in Gilroy, for heroin possession.

Controlled substances

Matthew James Barroza, 24, of E. Middle Avenue in San Martin, Sunday, Nov. 5 at 10:05pm at the intersection of Hill Road and Maple Avenue in Morgan Hill, for being under the influence of controlled substances.

Steven Peter Orlando, 43, of Diana Avenue in Morgan Hill, Sunday, Nov. 5 at 9:45pm at the intersection of Diana and Murphy avenues in Morgan Hill, for unauthorized possession of controlled substances and being under the influence of controlled substances.

Jesus Alberto Torres, 30, of Murphy Avenue in San Martin, Saturday, Nov. 4 at 9pm at the intersection of Sycamore and Maple avenues in Morgan Hill, for unauthorized possession of controlled substances and being under the influence of controlled substances.

Luis Guillermo Torres, 23, of Murphy Avenue in San Martin, Saturday, Nov. 4 at 9pm at the intersection of Sycamore and Maple avenues in Morgan Hill, for unauthorized possession of controlled substances, being under the influence of controlled substances, and driving without a valid license.

Fernando Sanchez Higuera, 29, of San Jose, Thursday, Nov. 2 at 11:55am at the intersection of Palm Avenue and Monterey Road in Morgan Hill, for being under the influence of controlled substances and possession of drug paraphenalia.

Other sheriff incidents

Mail theft

An unknown suspect stole a Kohl’s credit card number from a mailbox on Watsonville Road in Morgan Hill Tuesday, Oct. 24, and bought $374 of gift cards over the Internet. Kohl’s is conducting an internal audit, and has canceled the cards.

A community mailbox unit at the intersection of Little Uvas and Uvas roads in Morgan Hill was vandalized between 4pm Tuesday, Oct. 24 and 1:30pm Wednesday, Oct. 25. An unknown suspect broke the lock off the rear access door to the unit. It is unknown if the unit contained mail, but the incident is being investigated as mail theft.

Credit card fraud

An unnamed suspect ordered $8,086.40 of engine parts over the Internet using several credit card numbers Monday, Oct. 23 at 1pm. The business, suspecting fraud, told the suspect it was approved to “see what would happen.” The suspect had FedEx respond to the business to pick up the parts, but the business called 911. The incident is being investigated.

Grand theft

An unknown suspect stole $1,500 of copper wire and pipes, stored in six garbage cans, from a residence at the intersection of Roop Road and Sugar Babe Drive between 6 and 9:30am Thursday, Oct. 26. The victim had stored them beside the garage to recycle. When phoned, a Gilroy recycling company said someone had recycled copper wire and pipes in a red garbage can earlier in the day.

A forest-green flat-bed trailer was stolen from the Family Worship Center on E. Middle Avenue in San Martin between 5 and 6pm Thursday, Oct. 26. The trailer was valued at $450.

A $1,000 trailer containing a $3,000 self-propelled lawn mower was stolen from the intersection of Maple Avenue and Hill Road in San Martin between 7 and 9:30am Wednesday, Oct. 25. The victim didn’t know the license plate number or Vehicle Identification Number.

An unknown suspect stole a $500 steam cleaner from the intersection of Holsclaw Road and Gilman Avenue, Friday, Oct. 27 at 3pm.

Commercial burglary

A business at the intersection of Pacheco Pass Highway and Highway 156 was burglarized between 4pm Wednesday, Oct. 25 and 6:30am Thursday, Oct. 26. Agricultural business items, with a total value of $934, were stolen from a storage box. The burglar dropped a methamphetamine pipe on the floor of the storage box, which is being checked for fingerprints.

Vehicle burglary

A silver 1998 Honda CRV van was burglarized between 7 and 12am Wednesday, Oct. 25 at Model Airport Skypark on Monterey Road in Morgan Hill. An unknown suspect broke the right front window and stole 20 CDs, the faceplate to a CD player, and a digital camera.

Residential burglary

A blue and yellow 1987 Suzuki LT80 ATV was stolen from a Ferguson Road residence between 8am Tuesday, Oct. 24 and 1am Wednesday, Oct. 25. An unknown suspect forced entry to the barn by cutting a padlock and stole the ATV. Nothing else was disturbed.

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