When something saddens 10-year-old Monique Ourricariet, the Paradise Valley Elementary School student gets inspired.
After learning of how a tornado recently ravaged Oklahoma’s Plaza Towers Elementary School, where seven students died, the San Martin fifth-grader decided to do something to help.
“I was so sad to see what the tornado did to Plaza Towers Elementary School,” Monique said. “My mom says that when things make you really sad, you should try to help and you won’t be sad.”
Monique started her humanitarian effort by brainstorming how to help. After conversing with her mother, Laray Ourricariet, Monique decided to start raising money to buy each student at the Moore, Okla. school a stuffed animal. Coincidentally, Plaza Towers and Paradise Valley also share the same school mascot: a panther.
Monique emailed the corporate offices of GANZ, a Canadian company that manufactures decorative accessories and plush animals.
“I never in a million years thought they would respond and they did,” said Laray.
As a result of Monique reaching out to GANZ, the company donated and shipped 500 Webkinz Panthers stuffed animals to the Laray’s home. Monique also hopes to throw in roughly 500 backpacks stuffed with school supplies and T-shirts that say, “Panther Strong” for Plaza Towers’ students and staff members.
“The kids need to know we are their friends and we care about them and that we want to help,” said Monique, who is close to locking up a business sponsor for the T-shirts.
The ambitious youngster has even emailed day-time television host Ellen DeGeneres and celebrity Oprah Winfrey to see if she can get a response, and she is asking any sponsor locally or elsewhere to donate the backpacks and school supplies. Any interested individuals or companies can visit www.gofundme.com/31amks, call (408) 640-0908, by email at ou*********@ea*******.net or send a donation to Monique at 1615 Decker Ave., San Martin, CA, 95046.
Monique also contacted Morgan Hill Mayor Steve Tate and was granted permission to hold a bake sale during the annual Fourth of July Parade, which marches down Main Street in Morgan Hill. She will also be holding a raffle drawing, but “instead of asking for money for the drawing we are asking people to donate a backpack with school supplies.” Prizes will be given to the raffle winners. One ticket per empty backpack and two tickets per backpack with school supplies.
In addition, Monique is looking for someone in the shipping industry who can help with the mass mailing of the gifts to Oklahoma, as well as anyone who has shipping boxes and tape.
The highly-driven youngster even got the local Girl Scouts chapter involved, as their end-of-camp school supply drive will benefit the Plaza Towers students. The local girl scouts will also be writing letters to each of the children, “so the kids will know that we are here for them, we care and we want to help,” she said.
“I just told her don’t be heartbroken if you can’t do it all,” Laray said. “I said any little bit helps.”