Church, school partnership benefits students
Elementary schools in the Gilroy Unified School District
Lack of ‘Real Dialogue’ Drives Private School Exodus
Now that my daughter is a high school senior, I often reflect on
Issues with Illegal Immigrants Remain Unsolved
Immigration policies in America have always been based on the
Time Zones Can Be Confusing and Amusing
We didn't have to check our horoscopes to know we'd been dealt a double whammy.
On Second Thought, Still Voting Yes on Proposition 90
On Second Thought, Still Voting Yes on Proposition 90
Paying High Price For Refusal to Require Faith to Submit to Reason
Yesterday marked the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Those attacks were carried out by 19 Muslim extremists who believed they were following the will of Allah by killing "infidels" who didn't share their faith. These true believers also looked forward to a handsome reward in the afterlife for their acts of murder and martyrdom.
Dislike For Gubernatorial Candidates Delays Absentee Vote
My absentee voter ballot sits on the coffee table mocking me. Whenever I think about the one race where I haven't cast a vote, I roll my eyes and shake my head.