53.7 F
Morgan Hill
January 12, 2025

Letters: Prop 35, anti-Obama display, Muslim extremists

Editorial had ‘merit’ but there are a few questions about the use of descriptive verbiage

3 letters: Catholic high school will benefit Morgan Hill; Endorsement didn’t reveal son-in-law was author; GOP booth representative rude

South County Catholic high school is independent and a benefit for the community

4 letters: Romney still credible; anit-Obama display outrage; Consider the Supreme Court; Our food needs specific labels

Romney remains a credible candidate despite the clear efforts of Obama campaign

2 letters: Concerns about electin Matthew Wendt; South County Democrats list endorsements

Has concerns about electing attorney Matthew Wendt to the Morgan Hill City Council

Letters: Rachel’s Challenge, thank-you from Sobrato teacher

Rachel's Challenge an amazing event

Letters: Yes on Measure A, mayor Tate says

Support advanced health services in Santa Clara County – Yes on Measure A

4 letters: No room for name calling this election

No room for name calling this election; it is a time of healing instead

3 letters: Obama needs to get back to work; stop sign needed; not about pitbulls, it’s about the owners

President Obama has found time to golf; too bad he hasn’t also had time to fix economy

2 letters: So many problems with Islamic Center proposal for San Martin; Terrible tragedy, but we have to keep living our lives

Facts make it clear, the Islamic Center proposal is getting special treatment

2 letters: $16 billion in the hole and still the bullet train?; Sensational murder story in local paper?

State in the hole $16 billion and we’re still building a ‘high-speed train to Coalinga’

