EDITOR: I have attended several school board meetings over the
past few years and was appalled both by the level of anger and
frustration directed at the trustees from openly hostile parents,
and with the cold and detached demeanor the trustees show in the
face community concerns.
I have attended several school board meetings over the past few years and was appalled both by the level of anger and frustration directed at the trustees from openly hostile parents, and with the cold and detached demeanor the trustees show in the face community concerns.
So I guess I wasn’t surprised to read that the four senior Morgan Hill School District trustees were served with recall notices, just saddened that it’s come to this.
I was struck by Tom Kinoshita’s quote in the paper in defense of the Board that recall efforts should be reserved for malfeasance or breaking the law.
The Morgan Hill School Board and district office gave the green light for the construction of Barrett School to go $9 million over budget. Sobrato is following the same course, and is more than $25 million over budget.
I may not be an educator but isn’t over spending $34 million on these two projects the textbook definition of malfeasance? Since the Board has exceeded the Measure C bond funds by almost $30 million to date, where will our community find the money to even open the doors of Sobrato next fall?
Perhaps the trustees should spend more time working to raise the academic performance of our student body, building a meaningful compensation and retention policy for our teachersand overseeing the district’s finances, and spend less time complaining about how misunderstood the Board is and how parents just don’t understand the process of education.
Tom, as a three-term trustee, please tell us parents (and possibly the voting population at large) how wasting tens of millions dollars can be viewed as doing a good job?
Mark Sparacino, Morgan Hill