53.5 F
Morgan Hill
March 14, 2025

Spotlight: Battle of the Bands at Sobrato High

Thirteen bands played to a crowded gym March 3 during Sobrato High School's Battle of the Bands. The annual contest attracts student bands and local amateurs. 'Good Intentions,' and 'The Figureheads,'along with the rest of the lineup, kept the crowd on their feet during the four-hour show. Live Oak High School held its 'Battle of the Bands' Saturday.

Spotlight of the Week: Live Oak Student Wins Speech Contest

LIVE OAK HIGH SCHOOL junior Abe Butte has won the Rotary Club of Morgan Hill's 2007 Youth Speech Contest. His five-minute speech on the theme 'Lead the Way' was delivered in competition before the club on Feb. 28.

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Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

Free Educational Programs for Schools

W.E.R.C., the Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center, has received grants from Cisco Systems, Calpine and Air Systems Foundation to provide educational programs to public elementary schools in Morgan Hill, Gilroy and Hollister. Availability of grant money is on a first-come, first-served basis.

TAC Classroom Giveaway a Success

More than 80 teachers attended the Feb. 8 Teachers' Aid Coalition Classroom Supply Giveaway at P.A. Walsh Elementary School.

Spotlight of the Week: Inquisitive Minds at Science Alive

Hundreds of middle school students from throughout the Bay Area spent Saturday morning dissecting cow's eyeballs, building race cars and even concocting their own slime, at Gavilan College's Science Alive fair.

Cash for College Workshops

South County Cal-SOAP (Student Opportunity and Access Program) and GAVILAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE are inviting seniors and their parents to attend "Cash for College" workshops at 6pm tonight at Sobrato High School and at 6pm, Feb. 27 at Anzar High School, 2000 San Juan Highway, in San Juan Bautista; and at 6pm Feb. 28 at Gilroy High School, 750 West 10th St.

Los Paseos Elementary School News

LOS PASEOS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL dedicated its mural the morning of Jan. 10. The ceremony was attended by the entire student body, parents, Morgan Hill Unified School District Deputy Superintendent Bonnie Tognazzini, Morgan Hill school trustees, district administrators and many community members, including San Jose Councilman Forrest Williams.

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