Local Places Second in FBLA Competition
When he learned he came in second in the nationwide Future
An Interview with George Lucas
Mount Madonna School's 14-student senior class interviewed legendary filmmaker George Lucas May 16 at his Big Rock Ranch in Marin County.
IDI Names Winner in Annual Design Contest
LIVE OAK HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE CORA LARSON is the winner of this year's Independence Day, Inc.'s annual t-shirt and program cover design contest.
San Martin/Gwinn is Victorious Again
SAN MARTIN/GWINN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL fifth-graders, under the direction of teacher TIM DOWNER, participated in the CIVIL WAR DAYS SCHOOL PROGRAM at Roaring Camp Railroads, in Felton, May 23.
Spotlight of the Week: A Day at the Capitol
NORDSTROM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL teacher KEN FARRELL'S fourth-grade class went on a field trip May 2 to Sacramento and visited the Railroad Museum, Sutter's Fort, Old Sacramento and the State Capitol. While at the Capitol, the class met Lieutenant Gov. John Garamendi who took time out of his busy schedule and talked to the class about his job. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to meet the Lieutenant Governor.