MH school officials lobby Sacramento
When one is anxious about something, one paces. Superintendent
Head of Gav’s educational foundation steps down
The executive director of the Gavilan College Educational
District’s facilities master plan outlines $700 million in needs
Morgan Hill Unified School District is in need of nearly $700 million in renovations and new construction, according to findings in a Facilities Master Plan compiled by the architectural firm LPA, Inc.
No lunch for Nordstrom kindergartners
The only thing 5-year-old Bradley Hoffman doesn't eat? Cooked
MHUSD board to vote on new prez, VP?
If all seven trustees make it to this Tuesday’s Morgan Hill Unified School District board of education meeting, a new school board president and vice president could finally be voted in.
Sarah Northrup Gadus appointed to MHUSD board of education
The Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Education voted 5-1 to appoint Sarah Northrup Gadus as the board’s new provisional trustee for Area 3.
The vote took place at a special meeting on Aug. 27, in which the trustees interviewed four candidates who applied...
MHUSD board, parents debate offer to Voices
Local school district leaders are stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to finding required classroom space for a new charter school looking to expand its operations for the 2016-17 school year.