46.3 F
Morgan Hill
March 15, 2025

New special education program causes a stir

Parents of special needs students – much like Morgan Hill resident Jayne Rovianek, who has three children ages 11 to 20 with varying disabilities – expressed their displeasure with Morgan Hill Unified School District’s recent decision to implement a satellite program for students with moderate to severe disabilities.

Gavilan College asks community to take part in logo design contest

For all those creative, artistic minds out there, the Gavilan College Faculty Association is seeking your assistance in creating a logo that will embody the spirit of the institution’s Spring fundraising event, entitled “Sowing Seeds, Nurturing Dreams.”

Gavilan instructor completes STEM fellowship at Lockheed Martin

Computer Graphics and Design instructor Colette Marie McLaughlin has a little something extra to offer her students at Gavilan College this fall after finishing up her summer fellowship at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company in Sunnyvale.

MHUSD trustees a little shocked by $2M quote for electrical engineering firm

Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Board of Education let out a howl of protest during a regular board meeting Thursday when its consultancy firm requested the approval of an unforeseen $2 million expenditure.

New site is just right for Central High

When Irene Macias-Morriss started at Central High School nine years ago, the principal dreamed of one day providing a new, spacious campus with more resources and opportunities for her students, or “my babies” as she affectionately refers to them.

Ring the bell

There were many firsts on Thursday’s first day of school for the Morgan Hill Unified School District.

Schools confront new transgender education code

Supportive sentiments and concerned opposition categorize two sides emerging from Monday’s passage of California’s new education code, which allows transgender students to use school restrooms and locker rooms as well as play on athletic teams that match their “gender identity” instead of the sex listed on their birth certificate.

MHUSD asks for community input on renaming of former Burnett campus

The Morgan Hill Unified School District wants the community’s suggestions on a new name for its facility at 85 Tilton Ave. property and invites residents to speak during Tuesday’s public hearing as part of the Aug. 13 Board of Education meeting.

Gilroy, Morgan Hill students outshine state averages in 2013 STAR testing

A higher percentage of students in the Morgan Hill and Gilroy Unified School Districts are proficient or advanced in the 2013 California Standards Tests – a major component of the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) assessment – than the state as a whole.

SCCOE adopts new mission statement, three-year goals

The new mission statement adoped Wednesday night by the Santa Clara County Board of Education states, “The Santa Clara County Office of Education is committed to serving, inspiring and promoting student and public school success,” according to a press release from the SCCOE.

