49.7 F
Morgan Hill
March 19, 2025

Students can apply now for MH Mushroom Mardi Gras Scholarships

College scholarship applications are now available for the Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras Scholarship program, which has awarded over $1 million to more than 1,000 local students for continuing education.

Board delays vote on field use fees

Local families with children involved in Morgan Hill sports leagues—some spanning three generations—had every reason to be upset with school district officials and board trustees after sitting around for nearly three hours to be heard Tuesday night.

Gavilan College’s refinance reduces bond obligation by $9.1M

Due to an interest rate cut on its bond refinance, Gavilan Joint Community College District has reduced the amount district taxpayers must repay for Measure E funds.

MHUSD board to vote on facility use changes

Morgan Hill school board trustees will tackle a number of key issues at Tuesday night’s meeting, with the district’s proposal to restructure the facility use pay scale for local sports leagues at the forefront. Other key business on the agenda includes a push for more state funding toward public education, a district-wide demographic study and the School Accountability Report Cards.

MHUSD seeks new members for bond oversight committee

Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Board of Trustees is seeking qualified candidates to serve on the independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee for the implementation of the Measure G school facilities bond program, according to a Jan. 11 announcement.

Youth leagues rip facility fee hike proposal

Morgan Hill school district brass are standing pat with their proposal to dramatically increase sports facility use rates to offset thousands in annual maintenance costs, while local youth leagues are boiling over the abrupt plan that could severely impact their membership fees.

‘Step into Teaching’ event will offer guidance for prospective teachers

In an effort to increase qualified teaching candidates, the Santa Clara County Office of Education will host a “Step into Teaching: Opportunities in Silicon Valley Public Schools” event 9am to 1pm Feb.10 at 1290 Ridder Park Drive in San Jose. During the Saturday event, attendees will learn what is needed to become a teacher, how to navigate the credentialing process and receive information about compensation, benefits and retirement.

Student ingenuity on display at science fair

With her project titled, “The Making of my Electrocardiogram,” Oakwood School junior Renee Bostak hoped to discover indicators of a heart condition. Classmate Monte Williams' project used science to compare the water quality in different South County communities. Britton Middle School duo Diya Kendhra and Nikoo Shahab tested for the best renewable fuels.

Gavilan seeking student memories for 100th birthday celebration

As Gavilan College prepares for its 100th birthday in 2019, historian Leah Halper is looking for interested parties who attended the college to contribute their memories to a Gavilan College Centennial archive and oral history project.

Sister cities of MH expands cultural exchange with Italy

Sister Cities of Morgan Hill has expanded its programs to allow local families and teens age 14-17 to participate in a cultural exchange with sister city San Casciano, Tuscany, Italy.

