City council condemns gun violence, assault weapons
The Morgan Hill City Council last week adopted a resolution condemning gun violence. The resolution commits the city to “advocate for state and federal bans on both military style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, stronger background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases, revoking the prohibition on federally funded research on gun-related deaths, and rescinding the gun industry’s immunity.
The resolution also states that the council will consider local actions to regulate gun and ammunition sales in the City of Morgan Hill.
Graywater “laundry-to-landscape” is topic in Morgan Hill
Learn how to safely reuse water from washing machines to irrigate your landscape in a free class that will discuss residential graywater reuse, common types of graywater systems, garden-friendly soaps and detergents, and how to construct a laundry to landscape graywater system.
The workshop, hosted by the Santa Clara Valley Water District, will be from 7-8pm on Monday, March 26 in the Morgan Hill City Council chambers, 17555 Peak Ave., Morgan Hill.
Attending the workshop will help participants qualify for the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s graywater rebate, of $200 ($400 in some areas).