music in the park, psychedelic furs

’s meeting will be the last for board members Del Foster, Jan
Masuda and George Panos
n By Marilyn Dubil

Staff Writer

Several construction items and financial matters will come before the Morgan Hill School Board Monday night, as the six trustees attend their last meeting together.

Newly elected Trustees Kathy Sullivan, Peter Mandel and Julia Hover-Smoot, along with newly appointed Trustee Don Moody, will be sworn in Dec. 6.

School Board President George Panos and Trustees Jan Masuda and Del Foster did not run for re-election. Former Trustee Tom Kinoshita resigned in March.

During the last meeting of the current board, trustees will hear the monthly status report of construction contracts and an update for the financial project budget for Sobrato High from Director of Construction and Modernization Al Solis. Solis will also bring $909,046 in change order requests for approval.

The new multipurpose building at Los Paseos Elementary will move another step closer to completion if trustees approve a revised budged and awarding of nine contracts and also choose an inspector for the construction.

The nine contracts total $1,864,903. The contract for the materials testing and inspection services is not to exceed $36,626. Los Paseos, in south San Jose, needs a new multipurpose building because fourth through sixth grades from the former Encinal Elementary were moved to the school, which was previously K-3, last year. The former multipurpose room was converted to provide extra classrooms.

The new building is a joint project between the district and the City of San Jose, which has contributed funding toward the construction. The city will use the building for recreation during non-school hours. The current board will also take another step toward realignment of the district’s elementary school boundaries.

Trustees will decide whether or not to contract with a consulting firm – not to exceed $21,250 – to put together a recommendation to the board that will balance student populations.

Other items on Monday’s agenda include a vote on a field-use lease agreement with Morgan Hill Pony Baseball League and its proposed upgrade and irrigation of the fields at Britton Middle School.

The Morgan Hill Board of Education will hold its regular meeting at 7pm Monday at the District Office, 15600 Concord Circle. Details: 201-6000.

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