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New employees follow new superintendent from Alameda school
Two former Alameda school district employees are joining their former boss, Alan Nishino, in the Morgan Hill School District, after trustees unanimously voted during a special closed session meeting Monday night to hire them as assistant superintendents.

“I am pleased that the board has approved the appointment of Mr. Stan Rose as our assistant superintendent of human resource development, planning and research, and communications, and Mr. Michael Johnson as assistant superintendent of our Educational Services department,” new MHSD Superintendent Nishino said. “We are indeed fortunate that these two gentlemen are interested in coming to our school district.”

Both Rose and Johnson come from the Alameda school district, which Nishino left in June to replace former MHSD Superintendent Carolyn McKennan on July 1.

Contracts for the new assistant superintendents are effective Aug. 1, but Johnson and Rose will likely work in both districts while they make their transition to Morgan Hill.

In his new position, Rose will be paid $130,000, plus a stipend for a master’s degree of $1,000; and Johnson’s contract gives him $120,000 per year, plus the $1,000 master’s degree stipend. Both contracts expire on Aug. 1, 2007.

Johnson brings 31 years of experience in education, serving as a high school principal in the Sequoia, Sweetwater and Alameda districts, and most recently in Alameda, as the director of the secondary education/regional occupational education program.

With experience at both public and private schools, Rose also has more than 30 years of history in education. He most recently held the position of chief personnel officer for the Alameda district for four years.

“They come with a vast amount of experience and dedication to improving student achievement for all students,” said Nishino. “I feel confident that they will be a valuable asset to our leadership team and to our community.”

The addition of Rose to the human resources department will allow Arlene Machado, who held the position since last August, to focus on education technology full-time. Machado was the director of education technology and information services until she assumed the human resources duties following the resignation of Denise Tate last year.

“Ms. Arlene Machado who has filled two positions for the past school year, assistant superintendent human resources and director educational technology/information systems, will now be able to devote 100 percent of her time to her position of director educational technology,” Nishino said.

The educational services position was not filled after former Assistant Superintendent Claudette Beaty left when her contract expired at the end of June 2004.

MHSD Trustee Mike Hickey said the board decision to hire the two assistant superintendents was based in part on their trust in Nishino.

“My feeling is that we have proven quality (in Nishino), and if he is vouching for them, that’s a strong recommendation,” Hickey said. “We hired Dr. Nishino because we thought he was the best person for the job. We trusted his judgment. That’s one of the reasons we hired (Johnson and Rose). That is one of the benefits of bringing in fresh blood, is that you get the best and brightest coming in as well.”

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