Attempted auto break-in
Someone reported about 10 juveniles were trying to break into his car on the 100 block of Mathilda Court about 8:24 p.m. Saturday, according to police reports. The subjects were seen wearing red, black and white hoodies. When officers arrived the area was clear of the reported juveniles.
Found dog
A dog with no collar or tag was found in the area of San Pedro Avenue and Butterfield Boulevard Saturday, police said. The dog is described as a red and white male Corgi/Pomeranian mix, and is not neutered. The dog was reported found about 7:12 p.m. Saturday.
Recovered stolen vehicle
Police recovered a stolen gray Honda Civic on the zero block of West Edmundson Avenue Saturday about 12:52 p.m., according to police reports. A nearby resident reported the parked vehicle, which was unlocked with no keys inside.
Petty theft
A resident on the 17800 block of Elaine Court reported someone stole her husband’s wallet from the bedroom dresser, police said. The woman said a subcontractor was working on the bathroom in the home last Friday, and she noticed the wallet missing Saturday morning.
Drunk in public
A resident of downtown Morgan Hill reported a large group of people who appeared drunk outside the home, near the corner of East First Street and Monterey Road, according to police. One of the subjects was seen vomiting on the resident’s front porch. The incident was reported about 10:37 p.m. last Friday.
Three women stole about $1,500 worth of baby formula from the Safeway grocery store at 235 Tennant Station about 1:15 p.m. July 26, according to police. The suspects are described as three black female adults.