Two dead in string of wrecks; bus passengers elude tragedy
music in the park, psychedelic furs


Two men reportedly stole 12 bottles of wine from the Safeway grocery store at 235 Tennant Station Tuesday afternoon. 

The suspected thieves, described as Asian males in their 20s, walked out of the store with the wine bottles about 4:30 p.m., according to police reports. 

No arrests or identification of the suspects have been reported. 


Police reported more than a dozen calls from residents reporting their neighbors were shooting off fireworks throughout Morgan Hill the night of July 4. 

It does not appear that any of the offenders were cited or arrested for illegal fireworks, according to police reports. 

On one of the calls, a resident called police a second time after officers responded to warn the reported pyrotechnical scofflaws, according to police reports. The suspects reportedly began shooting fireworks again just after officers left the neighborhood. That incident was reported about 9:45 p.m. in the area of Via Loma. 

Police and fire personnel also reported two fires that might have been started by errant illegal fireworks – one next to U.S. 101 near Coyote Creek Golf Course, and one on Murphy Springs Court. 


Someone broke into a home on the 18200 block of Hale Avenue and stole a computer and jewelry, police said. 

The burglar or burglars entered the home by forcing open a rear door, police said. 

The crime was reported about 12:07 a.m. Friday.


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