Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Board of Trustees is seeking qualified candidates to serve on the independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee for the implementation of the Measure G school facilities bond program, according to a Jan. 11 announcement.
The two openings on the COC currently are for an “At Large Community Member” and a representative of the “Senior Citizen Group.”
Each term is set at two years and the committee meets quarterly at different school sites for an hour to two hours each meeting.
Approved in November 2012, Measure G is a $198.25-million bond measure that authorizes funding for needed repairs, upgrades, and new construction projects to the District’s schools. Measure G was passed by 64.89 percent of the voters.
State law requires that the MHUSD’s Board appoint a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to work with the district, according to the press release.
Responsibilities of COC members include:
• Inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of Measure G bond proceeds;
• Review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that Measure G bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure G; and
• Present to the Board of Education in public session, an annual written report outlining their activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of Measure G bond proceeds.
Measure G projects include Burnett modernization, Charter School of Morgan Hill multipurpose room, the Britton fencing project, renovations at San Martin/Gwinn and Paradise Valley, various roofing projects and the district’s $22 million technology infrastructure. A major project on the horizon is the $50 million New Britton Project.
Anyone interested in joining the COC, must complete an application, available on, by Jan. 26 and submit it to: Allison Murray, Morgan Hill Unified School District, mu*****@mh***.org, 15600 Concord Circle, Morgan CA 95037, (408) 201-6052.