music in the park, psychedelic furs

Morgan Hill Unified’s governing body will vote on three management positions that district leadership is pushing forward on the March 21 agenda: a new construction project supervisor as well as revised job descriptions for an athletic director and a construction project planner.
The athletic director position comes with a $95,000 annual salary, while construction project supervisor’s annual salary ranges from $77,045 to $87,921. The construction project planner’s salary ranges from $73,056 to $83,369 annually, according to the March 21 agenda.
Public session for the school board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. and comes immediately following closed session, which is slated to begin at 4:30 p.m. at district headquarters (15600 Concord Circle).
All three management positions will be placed on the Morgan Hill Education Leaders Association salary schedule with the two construction project positions being funded through $198 million Measure G capital improvement bond, as described on the March 21 agenda.
A committee of middle school and high school administrators and high school athletic directors was formed to analyze the best way to utilize an athletic director position within the district. This comes on the heels of former Live Oak High School Athletic Director Mark Cummins resigning his part-time AD position (he remains a LOHS teacher) after lobbying for it to be a full-time job similar to other districts in the surrounding area.
“Currently, each high school has a partial (Full Time Employee) allocated to the position of Athletic Director,” the agenda rational reads. “The revised job description and placement on MHELA salary schedule allows the position to be assigned as partial or full FTE, depending on the site’s needs and budget priorities.”
The two construction project jobs, which are being recommended by district staff and will be working closely with one another, both will be under the oversight of MHUSD’s Director of Construction and Modernization Casino Fajardo. Both positions and salaries were already approved March 13 by the district’s personnel commission, according to district staff.
The supervisor role “is a Measure G funded position to interact directly with contractors, builders, and inspectors at sites with Measure G funded construction projects,” according to the agenda. The planner “plans and coordinates projects with district staff, outside agencies and contractors,” according to the job description attached to the March 21 agenda.
Other public session items to be discussed are:
• Request for approval of a $23,272 contract with Advanced Via Individualized Determination (AVID) Center “to use proven practices to prepare students for success in high school, college, and a career, especially students traditionally underrepresented in higher education,” reads the agenda item;
• Measure G Citizens’ Oversight Committee Annual Report 2015-16. “The committee has reviewed specifically the expenditures from Measure G to ensure that they are consistent with and in compliance with the Measure G ballot language,” according to the agenda;
• Measure G Update provided by Director of Construction and Modernization Casino Fajardo “on the status of the summer work projects for Measure G,” the agenda reads;
• Vote on Trustee Gino Borgioli’s request to approve the district joining the National School Board Association;
• Presentation from the Board Policy Subcommittee; and
• Discussion on changing closed session to 4:30 p.m. at all regular meetings.
Consent calendar
Items listed under consent are considered routine and are bunched together in one vote by the school board unless otherwise requested. Those items include:
• $102,300 contract (Measure G) with HMC Design “to provide design services for the Britton Middle School Modernization Increment 1.”
“In order to accomplish the city street, site utilities, and parking lot work during the summer break, staff requested HMC to provide a proposal to attain Division of the State Architect approval on the site work as an Increment 1 package,” according to the agenda. “This would allow the District to get the project site ‘storm water ready’ as DSA is reviewing and approving the main building package during the fall.”;
• $177,218 contract (unrestricted general fund) with Santa Clara County Office of Education for 2017-18 annual technical services; and
• $116,382 in contracts for special education services for 2016-17.
Personnel Order
Among the administrative ranks, Community Adult Education School Principal Dennis Browne is scheduled to retire effective June 30, while MHUSD’s Director of State and Federal Programs Ivonne Glenn is slated to resign at the end of June.

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