The State of California wants to cut Santa Clara County out of
its share of the money received to offset the Williamson Act loss
of taxes. The money involved is the small amount of $400,000 a
The State of California wants to cut Santa Clara County out of its share of the money received to offset the Williamson Act loss of taxes.
The money involved is the small amount of $400,000 a year. Santa Clara County acts like the world will end if they do not receive the money.
Santa Clara County has 300,000 acres in the Williamson Act. Divide 300,000 acres into $400,000, it comes out to $1.33 per acre. Add this amount to the yearly tax bill. If the landowner can’t afford $1.33 per acre, he can’t afford to own the land anyway.
If the county can’t get along without the $400,000, I have a solution, do not expand the San Martin Airport. Santa Clara County will have money left over.
Robert N. Wood,
Editor’s note: The Williamson Act offers property owners tax breaks in exchange for a commitment to use their land for farming or certain specific uses, including open space, and is administered by the state through counties.