In March 2010, I adopted a pit bull that we named Mack from the San Martin Humane Society. At the time, I didn’t really notice there was another dog in the kennel with him. I was only interested in adopting one dog. About three weeks later, my husband noticed the Pet of the Week in the Gilroy Dispatch and mentioned how much she looked like Mack. We went to see her and found out that she had been brought in as a stray with another dog, but he’d been adopted and she’d been lonely and depressed. As we got more of the story, we found out the other dog was Mack. So we brought him to see her. When they saw each other, it was an amazing reunion. They ran and jumped on each other, licked each other and finally laid down together to rest. What a love story … we adopted Shy and brought them both home.
It was obvious right away that both dogs had been treated badly in the past. They both cowered when you walked toward them, and Shy had many old injuries. The right side of her jaw had damage, many of her teeth were broken and her forelegs had scars all over them. At their first vet checkup, we were told Shy had a hard life, and since her ears had been cut off, she had probably been used for dog fighting as well as breeding. It was sad to hear, but explained a lot. Both dogs were timid and afraid of being hit, but they were very sweet and friendly. As time passed, their individual personalities emerged. Mack was goofy and a big foodie. Shy was very loving and playful. They were smart and easy to train and vacationed with us throughout the western states.
We meet more people because of our dogs and receive comments all the time about how well behaved and friendly they are (with kids, adults and other dogs). They are wonderful ambassadors for their breed.
Even after the hard life they had prior to us adopting them, Mack and Shy had an amazing capacity to love and trust people again. They’ve taught me more about love, patience and the power to forgive than anyone I’ve ever known. They live in the present and they’re not afraid to show how they feel, so their happiness at simple things like taking a walk, going for a ride or getting a treat is obvious by their outwardly happy nature. They have big personalities and are full of happiness and love. It just pours out of them. They wiggle with joy at being hugged, tails wagging, always ready to give kisses. They’re excited to see me come home and greet me as if I’ve been gone for days instead of 30 minutes. They give me the best of themselves every day. Honest, open and ready to give love and support 24/7. 
A quote: “Every once in a while a dog enters your life and changes everything.” Mack and Shy are the dogs that changed everything for me.
How much do I love my dogs? More than I can express in words. They are my best friends and my constant companions. They lift my spirit and make me a better person. They’re part of me and I’d do anything for them. They are family.
This was a bittersweet piece for me to write because we just lost Shy. She passed away last month, and we’re heartbroken (and so is Mack). In Shy’s memory, we decided to foster a dog, also a very sweet, loving pit bull. Mack is starting to fall in love with her, and she’s a very cool dog with her own personality, so I believe we’ll be adopting her very soon.
– Deb Blanchard

music in the park, psychedelic furs
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