music in the park, psychedelic furs

Value the Youth

The annual Morgan Hill Values Youth event will take place 8:30am to 12pm Jan. 26 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Road. The event is free. All youth, parents/guardians and adults who work with the youth in the community are invited to attend. The event is designed to help youth and families effectively utilize the Developmental Assets in order to empower the youth. For more information and to register, visit

Count the Homeless

The 2019 annual “Point-in-Time” Homeless Census and Survey will take place in Morgan Hill, 4:30 to 10am Jan. 29, and city staff is looking for volunteers. Point-in-Time Count data are the primary data used for federal funding allocations and national estimates of homelessness. The numbers reported by your community are used by the US Interagency Council on Homelessness and all federal departments including Housing and Education. Count numbers are also most often cited by local strategic plans, state, county and city government and the media. To register to volunteer, visit

Mother Son Dance

Wear your play clothes to a casual evening of fun at the Mother Son Dance Party, 6 to 9pm Feb. 2 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Road. Dance floor entertainment will be provided by One Way Music, and there will be a photo booth to capture the memories. A light dinner and refreshments will be served. If a mother is unavailable, grandmothers, aunts or family friends are welcome. Register beforehand by visiting

Celebrate the Chamber

The Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce will celebrate its annual people, organizations and businesses of the year at an awards ceremony and dinner fundraiser 5:45 to 9:30pm March 2 at Guglielmo Winery. The theme for this year’s awards show is “Under the Big Top,” and attendees will enjoy entertainment, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, drinks and a dessert bar. Raffle tickets and a silent auction featuring a variety of prizes from local businesses will also be part of the celebration. The event, a fundraiser for the local Chamber of Commerce, will celebrate the Chamber’s 2019 Man of the Year Rich Firato, of Firato Janitorial and Chair of the Chamber’s Board of Directors; Woman of the Year Karen Crane; Student of the Year Alexis Munson of Live Oak High School; Educator of the Year Kathleen Rose, President of Gavilan College; Volunteer of the Year Cherisse Richards White of Cherisse’s Hair Salon; Nonprofit of the Year Edward “Boss” Prado Foundation; Small Business of the Year Morgan Hill Life; Large Business of the Year Pinnacle Bank. Tickets to the March 2 dinner cost $110 per person, or $850 for a table of eight. For tickets and more information, visit

History at the House

From 10 to 11:30am the first Saturday of every month, the Morgan Hill Historical Society invites the community to the Hiram Morgan Hill House at Villa Mira Monte, 17860 Monterey Road, for “History at the House.” Attendees are encouraged to share their knowledge of local history and landscapes during the ongoing monthly conversation. The event is open to the public and free.

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