music in the park, psychedelic furs

Family Movie Night

Bring your family and friends to watch “E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial” at Morgan Hill Family Movie Night 7pm Oct. 19 at the Community and Cultural Center amphitheater, 17000 Monterey Road. Bring lawn chairs, blankets and snacks. Admission is free. 

Trick or Treat

Local children and parents are invited to stroll the streets of downtown Morgan Hill to trick-or-treat on Halloween. The festivities take place from 5 to 7pm. Streets will be closed to vehicle traffic, so costumed kids can safely trick-or-treat at local businesses who provide candy. The event is sponsored by the City of Morgan Hill and the Downtown Association. 

Kindergarten Roundup

Join teachers and school staff for Morgan Hill Unified School District’s annual Kindergarten Roundup. Parents of children entering kindergarten and transitional kindergarten are invited to the event, which takes place 8 to 11am Nov. 2 at Paradise Valley Engineering Academy, 1400 La Crosse Drive.Parents can learn about the kindergarten and transitional kindergarten programs at the district’s eight neighborhood schools. Principals and school staff will be on hand to answer questions about your child’s education. Parents, who are encouraged to bring their child, can receive a “priority enrollment number” for their school of residence. 

Veterans Day Run

The Morgan Hill Freedom Fest’s annual Veterans Day Run fundraiser will take place 9am Nov. 10, starting at The Granary, 17500 Depot Street. Participants can register for a 5K or a 10K walk/run. Proceeds will benefit the Freedom Fest and nonprofit organizations that provide assistance or services to veterans. For more information and to register, visit 

Philanthropy Night

The Morgan Hill Community Foundation will host its 14th annual Philanthropy Celebration 6 to 10pm Nov. 15 at the Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Road. Tickets cost $125 per person and includes an appetizer reception followed by a seated dinner. Beer and wine will be served throughout the evening. The philanthropy celebration will showcase local nonprofits and their offerings to the community, and recognize a person or organization that is committed to the mission of each nonprofit. To purchase tickets and view more information, visit 

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