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Four local public access television programs received 2012 WAVE awards for their work promoting civic engagement through community media. The WAVE awards are given by the Alliance for Community Media and honor the best local cable television programs for six western states, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico and Nevada.

This year’s winners, Teressa Widdowson of Morgan Hill, Carol Peters of Gilroy, and the Community Media Access Partnership (CMAP) in Gilroy received the awards at the Holiday Inn Capital Plaza in Sacramento on Saturday, Oct. 20.

Teresa Widdowson, who is host of Talk on the Town, won her WAVE award for best talk-show entertainment.  The show, which is part of Morgan Hill Access Television and produced by Digital Moon Studios, showcases some of the interesting and quirky people of Morgan Hill and the surrounding areas.

“A lot of talk shows never seem to focus on the person,” said Widdowson.  “I wanted to do one that did, and focus on the unique and interesting people in our community. I’m happy I won.  I’ve submitted other shows before, but this is the first time I’ve won one for the Morgan Hill Access Television.”

Carol Peters won her WAVE award for her show, “Carol on Creativity.” The show, which won both the informational and instructional program awards, is produced by GavTV, Gavilan College’s educational channel.  

Peter’s show covers how to make a wide variety of arts and crafts in an easy to follow, step-by-step, instructional format.

“I just use my imagination and have fun with all types of creative ways to do a creative art-based program,” explained Peters.  “I was thrilled to even be in the finals and consider this affirmation and validation that what I am doing is worthwhile.”

CMAP’s youth program participants received recognition and a WAVE award for their shows, “Teen Pregnancy Prevention” and “Dating Violence.”   

Each video won their category for the best public service announcement, one about preventing teen pregnancy and the other covering dating violence. These programs were made in partnership with STAMPMedia Project, Communities United in Prevention, and the Hollister Youth Alliance.

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