Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Welcome Cordoba Center to San Martin

It is my dream to live in a community where fears are lessened and differences are embraced.

I recall learning in grade school that the pilgrims came from England to America seeking freedom of religion. The Muslim faith has deep roots and longevity. It is an authentic religion honoring the same God Christians and Jews honor, as there is only one God. I know exemplary people who embrace and practice the Muslim religion.

I have seen the plans for the Cordoba Center proposal. They have been made with the utmost of care so as not to be intrusive to the neighbors. The cemetery is situated so that it has a natural barrier to mitigate any health concerns. The proposed buildings are compatible in size with the surrounding developments. Since all buildings in the Cordoba plans are grouped in one area, there are many open spaces between it and the neighbors.

“To know one, is to love one.” It is my prayer that the opposition to the Cordoba is not being based on the negative press about Islam. True Christians know that we are all children of God and that He has given us free will to express His love differently.

My family of migrant workers settled in Morgan Hill in 1946. We were warmly welcomed. I wish the same acceptance for all who wish to live and visit our community and whose ethical values contribute to the harmony and well-being of our beloved community.

I urge our community to support this worthwhile project as it not only would meet the needs of a significant segment of our community, but also enrich us all.

Rose Hernandez

Morgan Hill

Project larger than others

San Martin Neighborhood Alliance welcomes all religious institutions to our community.

The Cordoba Center project, as proposed is:

• Four times the size of the largest religious/communal/social facility currently in San Martin.

• Three times the limit that requires “enhanced scrutiny” under the recently revised Santa Clara County Planning and Land Use regulations.

• Twice the size that the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) concludes would reasonably accommodate the needs identified by the proposers.

There are numerous inaccuracies in the DEIR, as well as important issues which are not addressed. The SMNA Board will formally address those issues in written DEIR comments to the county, which at that time will become public record.

The proposed cemetery is of particular concern, as it would be sited immediately adjacent to homes dependent on well water for household consumption. We believe, based on the references we have found, that this aspect of the proposal requires further study by cognizant technical experts before it can safely be approved. Further, we believe that suitable alternatives to meet this need exist and have not been explored.

San Martin faces tremendous development pressure from its neighbors to the north and south.  If we are to host large developments that our urban neighbors can’t or won’t accommodate, we hope and expect that the county will honor its General Plan commitment to protect our rural/agricultural community.

We would be pleased to engage with the proposers, regarding a more modest project that would meet their needs with substantially less impact, but regretfully cannot support this project as proposed.


SMNA Board of Directors

Trina Hineser, President

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