Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs


Thanks to city for helping with HSR


Dear Council Members,


We would like to sincerely thank you for your responsiveness to our neighborhood’s concerns about High Speed Rail. It has been an eye-opening journey for all of us and we appreciate your partnership.


When our neighborhood first became aware of the High Speed Rail and its possible impact to our charming town, we had three major concerns:


1) that the peace and tranquility of Morgan Hill be preserved;


2) that those property owners who are affected (both directly and indirectly) be fairly compensated;


3) that all decisions be done in an open and honest way supported by solid data.


Because of the possible impact to the entire town and specifically our neighborhood, we brought our concerns to various city council members. From the standing room only crowd (80-plus people) neighborhood meeting at our house with Larry Carr, to Coffee with the Mayor meetings, and city council meetings, you all have been willing to listen, help us investigate our concerns, get us in touch with key people and learn right along with us.  


You have adopted excellent communication practices that make it easy to see which routes would affect which properties. You have done such a good job that you’ve set the standard! At a recent High Speed Rail meeting, the San Martin residents demanded that Santa Clara County officials do the same for them as you have done for Morgan Hill! Way to go!


Regardless of one’s opinion overall about High Speed Rail, we can all agree that done poorly, it has the potential to completely wreck the peace and tranquility of our fair city. I deeply appreciate your willingness to step out and protect our great town, and we look forward to continuing to work with you as the High Speed Rail Project continues to develop.


Dan and Carla Ernest,


101W Neighborhood Residents, Morgan Hill
Join the Women’s March Jan. 21


The day after the inauguration, Jan. 21, millions of men, women and children will march in cities across America to show that we are united in moving forward, not backward.


We are participants, not bystanders, and we will demand that our civil rights are upheld. It will be an amazing event and make front pages all over the world.


But then what? After speeches, the cheers, and bravado of the Women’s March have waned, all of us must keep the pressure on. Imagine our clout if the millions who marched stay engaged.


We must follow what is happening and be prepared to state our views, point out the hypocrisies and question the decisions.


We must band together and demand that our representatives stand up for the people who elected them, hold them accountable for every vote they make and every argument they present, and make them acutely aware that in 21 months there will be another election and We, the People, write their evaluations.


Together we must stay vigilant and hold our ground if we are to move forward not backward.


Margaret McCann


Morgan Hill

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