Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Clear plants from creek

My property—as well as many more, including the Woodland Estates Senior MobilE Home Park—backs up to the Llagas Creek between Santa Teresa Boulevard, and Olive Avenue, which is all part of the city.

In 2010, I brought up the issue about the overgrown vegetation to both the Santa Clara Valley Water District, as well as the City of Morgan Hill. This vegetation could create possible fire danger in the summer, and also the impairment of the water flow in the creek.

I was impressed with the immediate response from both the city and the Water District. The city was out there the next day to cut down the tall grass up to or about 30 feet from the property lines for weed abatement, and the Water District set up a plan to cut down the overgrown berry plants and remove some of the dead vegetation—which they did a couple months later.

In March 2011, we had a lot of rain in a short amount of time, and with Chesbro Reservoir already filled, the water was not only going over the spillway but some water had to be released from the dam. In doing so, Llagas Creek was totally filled with fast running water, within two feet from flooding my property, and had encroached onto other properties along the creek. Water was also bubbling out of the storm drain at the end of our cul-de-sac, putting the end of our street two feet under water.

In the last couple of years, the berry plants have come back. Even though they are not nearly as tall as before, they are tall enough to impair the natural water flow in the creek.

I have meet with both the Water District and a representative from the city of Morgan Hill, and have had no luck because of the bureaucracy getting in the way. I have even sent an email to Mayor Steve Tate of Morgan Hill, over a month ago with no reply!

With El Nino in the forecast this winter, we are expecting more rain than we have had in the past. If the creek isn’t cleaned out once again there is a definite potential of flooding of the properties along the creek as well as some mobile homes lifting off their foundations and floating away.

Because of this urgency, the bureaucracy needs to be put aside, and matters to take care of the creek area is a must before this negligence causes thousands of dollars of damages. If this were to happen, someone will be and should be liable!

Roger Martarano

Morgan Hill

SpaceX landing an historic event

I want to congratulate Elon Musk and SpaceX for making history by landing the first stage of a rocket back on Earth (in one piece this time) after deploying a payload into space. This is an historic event because the cost of getting stuff into space just got at least three times cheaper.

In a world where news is dominated by ISIS, mass shootings and Donald Trump, it’s time the smart people get the spotlight and we have good news to report. This event is another milestone representing the progress of humanity on a road that will eventually lead to the human colonization of the planet Mars. All of humanity rejoices tonight at this great accomplishment.

Thank you Elon and the team at SpaceX.

Marc Perkel


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