Mosque Support is Heartening

Dear Editor,

This is in appreciation of the article on the Islamic Center and Mosque proposal for the South County. It is great that the plans for this project reflect the times when all the three major religions were practiced peacefully in Spain under the Islamic rule.

As troubling as Mr. Bill Currie’s June 1 letter was, the response in the form of letters and columns is heartening.

I am not only a proud American, but a proud Muslim American who has made the South County her home for decades. I have been fortunate to have wonderful Christian Americans in my life who have always shown the real American values of generosity and fairness.

In the world today, we need to promote peace through integration, rather than division through misinformation and disintegration.

The scores of Muslims that live in South County are contributing to the society as teachers, doctors, engineers, businessmen, members of the Armed Forces and more. The mosque will be a place whereby we can share our expertise and resources with all.

Nuzhat Alavi, Morgan Hill

Don’t Squander Jackson Oaks Trails Opportunity

Dear Editor,

I’m a Jackson Oaks resident, along with my wife and two boys, ages 3 and 5. The proposed Jackson Oaks trail comes within a few feet of my property.

Ever since I moved to the Jackson Oaks neighborhood seven years ago, I’ve wanted to walk through the beautiful open space that winds its way among our homes. However, the wild conditions prevent safe passage through the area. Furthermore, walking on the streets of our neighborhood is at times a harrowing experience, because we have no sidewalks.

A well-managed set of trails would not only increase safety, but would also bring a kind of magic to our neighborhood. And the Jackson Oaks residents would benefit the most.

I am acutely aware of the risk of fire in our open space. There always has been. But let’s let the city planners address this risk. We haven’t given them the opportunity to go that far. I believe there is such a thing as a safe trail, even in Jackson Oaks. I am reaching out to my neighbors, and asking for a compromise. I believe that instead of allowing fear to suffocate any attempt to improve our neighborhood, we should work with the city to find a way to make these trails happen, in a manner that satisfies nearly everyone.

I believe we can have our cake and eat it too.

Unfortunately, I’m becoming more and more certain that if the city caves to the fears of many of my good neighbors, there won’t be another chance to bring much needed trails to the beautiful Jackson Oaks neighborhood.

I hope we don’t squander this unique opportunity.

Tom Nowitzky, Morgan Hill

Bush Iraq Attack is For Oil

Dear Editor,

Our nation now knows the reason President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were hell-bent on attacking Iraq and are fervently working to keep American forces in Iraq indefinitely. The new Iraqi oil legislation, being pushed by Bush, provides 70 percent of Iraqi oil wealth to American, British and Dutch oil companies with 30 percent going to the Iraqi people. The law serves Bush, his supporters and foreign corporations at the expense of the Iraqi people. Our Democratic Congress has to fight to ensure Iraq’s oil wealth will benefit the Iraqi people, not Bush buddies.

Frank Crosby, Morgan Hill

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