Dear Editor, I am outraged at the federal government for
bullying us into universal health care that we don’t want.
Citizens, wake up, we are being manipulated, not represented.
Passage of health care reform means manipulation, not representation

Dear Editor,

I am outraged at the federal government for bullying us into universal health care that we don’t want. Citizens, wake up, we are being manipulated, not represented.

At the heart of the conflict over health care reform are two incompatible understandings of America. One is based on the principles of progressivism, and would place more and more aspects of our lives under control of government bureaucracies; the other sees America as a society of free individuals under a Constitution that severely limits what the federal government can rightly do.

Government’s constitutional obligation in regard to protecting such rights as health care are normally met by establishing the conditions for free markets – markets that historically provide an abundance of goods and services, at an affordable cost, for the largest number.

Government, rather than seeking to supply the need itself, should look to see if it’s own interventions are the root of the problem, and should make adjustments to unleash competition and choice.

But lamenting a problem without providing a solution is nothing more than whining. Only about 30 percent of Americans vote in most elections, rendering our collective voice just a whisper compared to what it should be.

So, please register to vote and vote. Encourage your friends and loved ones to do the same – because whatever affects one of us, affects all of us.

Nancy Murphy, San Martin

Reader grateful for Congressman McNerney’s vote on health care reform

Dear Editor,

“We made history. Thanks to your support and determination, we just passed historic health care reform that will help put our country back on the path to prosperity and tackle our most pressing health care challenges. I voted in support of health care reform thinking of the thousands of people who have called, e-mailed, and written me about their struggles to get health care. I also felt the needs of thousands of families out there who need immediate help but whose voices aren’t being heard over the din of special interests trying to stop change.” – Congressman Jerry McNerney, CD 11, March 21, 2010.

This is part of a message that Jerry McNerney sent March 21. In it he expresses his thanks to us for our support. I want to take an opportunity to let Congressman McNerney know how deeply grateful I am for his yes vote in Congress Sunday.

It was a difficult decision for Jerry McNerney who listened to both sides of the debate and knew the Bill was not perfect. It was difficult for him because of the provision that the Republicans insisted on; that there was to be no federal money to be spent on a woman’s right to choose. It was difficult because the Bill had no public option. It was a difficult decision because he listened to both sides of the argument not because he is a Democrat, but because he represents all of us in CD 11.

When Kaiser dropped my health insurance after almost 12 years of coverage, because I had controlled high blood pressure, I was forced to purchase the most affordable health insurance coverage I could find. A policy with a $100,000 cap on it. When I was nearly killed in a car accident and suffered a broken back and head trauma, the money was gone. There was nothing left for a procedure to help heal my back, or for prescription drugs for pain and muscle relaxants which cost more $1,000 per month. When I was denied twice for disability, McNerney wrote to them on my behalf and I credit him for the positive outcome. But once I had the disability kick in, I had to wait two years for Medicare.

And now thanks to McNerney and President Barack Obama, this situation will never be repeated. Under this bill, no one will lose health insurance because of a pre-exiting condition, and people like me will have the “doughnut hole” removed from their prescription “Part D” insurance for medication.

Thank you Jerry for listening to us. Thank you Jerry for coming home each weekend to be with your constituents. Thank you Jerry for coming to Morgan Hill for your “Congress at your Corner” events that invite the public to talk with you one on one. Thank you Jerry for always thinking first about your constituents and how we feel about your votes in Washington D.C. And last but not least; thank you Mary McNerney for sharing this rare Congressman with all of us.

We all are deeply grateful!

Swanee Edwards, Morgan Hill

Congressman McNerney’s forward thinking helps pass health care reform

Dear Editor,

I wish to thank Jerry McNerney for his support of the health reform legislation.

We need his forward thinking view in these troubling times.

Gerry Hunt, San Jose

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