music in the park, psychedelic furs


City encourages illegal trespassing


Having just read your story (on I must point out that the City of Morgan Hill sold El Toro to a local family after the Calaveras Fault quake in 1984.


One very worrying aspect of continuing illegal trespass by hikers on this private property concerns liability in the event of an accident causing injury or worse.


The City of Morgan Hill could be held liable in such a hypothetical event because of the continuous barrage of its encouragement of hikers.


Some locals’ demands for a 20-foot barbed wire fence to encircle the private land have been rejected time after time by the family as an unacceptable eyesore.


However, the current impasse over the city’s obsession with opening a trail to the summit will never be resolved through municipal bullying.


I wonder how individual members of Morgan Hill Council might feel if a municipality devoted so much time, energy and effort in turning a blind eye to blatant trespass on THEIR properties?


And to the organizing of so many pie-in-the-sky schemes that can only fail?


Yours, etc.,


Ana Truman, Morgan Hill


Why should we pay transit subsidies?


What is the annual subsidy paid to a person who rides Caltrain? Do not accept the “rider” designation in any answer that you get from Caltrain, or its Gilroy board member. If a person gets on Caltrain twice each day, it is only one person, not two “riders.”


Is it true a recent Caltrain study showed the average Caltrain rider makes $138,000 annually, has a post-graduate degree, and commutes via Caltrain to a high tech job in SF? Why do motorists and truckers have to pay for his subsidies to ride Caltrain? How much will the bullet train rider’s subsidy be? How many sandwiches would a Gilroy sandwich shop owner have to sell to bullet train travelers to make up the money he paid Sacramento each year for his share of the subsidies paid to the bullet train’s rider? Same question: VTA bus riders.


Did you see the TAMC yacht going past your office this morning? Four passengers. How much money would we save if they took taxis? Limos? Shuttles? Uber? Why do we have to subsidize the most expensive, least efficient form of transport? Just so public sector union employees can have humongous pensions? Salaries? Benefits? What will you report about the “unmet needs” transit hearing? Same as last year? and the year before that? etc., etc., never getting to Truth in Transport?


Why even go to the trouble of reporting if you’re not going to report Truth in Transport, and just regurgitate COG’s BS-Baloney?


Joe Thompson




SEQ plan a misnomer


“Agricultural Preservation.” Excuse me for the need to correct the phrase, to “Barren Fields With Weeds,” in the Morgan Hill Southeast Quadrant. The city’s plan translates to long-term economic and financial detriments to all in Morgan Hill, now and rippling on into the future, to affect the well-being of all citizens, as happens when there are shortfalls in economics to adequately support the infrastructure.


We need to establish whether certain people are seeing agriculture where it does not exist as an optical illusion—wishing it really was there as it was in the 1960s.


I would like to ask MH SEQ Agricultural Preservation advocates to please consider relocation to Northern California, where agriculture is a multi-billion dollar annual business and the enthusiasm for agriculture is substantiated by thriving crops and a farming industry that strives to bring humankind the optimal and the best by appropriate, applicable and optimal land use applications that reap win-wins for present and future generations.


Julie Borina Driscoll, Morgan Hill

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