Dear Editor, In regard to Wes Rolley’s Friday April 22 column, I
am saddened when I encounter truly dedicated environmentalists such
at Mr. Rolley. I am sure he is a fine and wonderful person who
loves his family. But he simply does not comprehend, or care about,
the huge damage and human suffering environmentalists inflict in
the name of nature upon his fellow humans.
Columnist does not understand suffering environmentalists inflict

Dear Editor,

In regard to Wes Rolley’s Friday April 22 column, I am saddened when I encounter truly dedicated environmentalists such at Mr. Rolley. I am sure he is a fine and wonderful person who loves his family. But he simply does not comprehend, or care about, the huge damage and human suffering environmentalists inflict in the name of nature upon his fellow humans. A few examples:

– Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring,” cited in the column, led to the banning of DDT worldwide, a chemical that has never been shown to be harmful to humans when used for its purpose – eliminating pests such as malaria-carrying mosquitos. The result? Since the banning by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1972 and later worldwide, millions and millions of human beings (a million a year in Africa alone, many of then children younger than 5) have died from malaria, especially in Africa, because there is no cheap and effective way to kill the malaria-bearing mosquito, except for the banned DDT. Mr. Rolley would rather than not let DDT be used.

– The EDP has just been given administrative power to regulate carbon dioxide as a “pollutant.” Carbon dioxide! Without carbon dioxide, life on Earth would not be possible. It is what green plants and trees thrive on, so they can convert it to oxygen for humans. But to Mr. Rolley, it is a pollutant.

– Also from the EPA, the Central Valley drought via the Delta smelt, a 3-inch fish. You probably know about this. Water has been diverted from agricultural uses in the Central Valley so the Sacramento Delta smelt won’t be harmed. The result? Thousands and thousands of acres of farm, crop and orchard land lie fallow, dead and scorched and unproductive. Thousands of people, fellow human beings and Californians, have lost their jobs, their land, their livelihoods (40 percent unemployment in such areas as Mendota) because there is no water.

We all want clean water and clean air. But the damage caused by the unbending extremism of environmentalists? No thank you. I’d rather that my neighbors and fellow humans have jobs, food and protection from disease. Mr. Rolley’s final shot at corporations reveals his true feelings: he hates capitalism. But, without corporations, everything Mr. Rolley enjoys, and you enjoy every single day, would not exist: food, transportation, cell phones, life-saving drugs, jobs, power, clean water, all of it, provided by corporations. Investigate, read, learn for yourself. Don’t let “feel good” columns like his deceive you. Let’s protect your fellow humans, not the windmills tilted at by environmentalists.

Patric Kelly, Morgan Hill

Parents of Live Oak High School students should be ashamed

Dear Editor,

The parents (of the Live Oak High School students suing the school district for violation of First Amendment rights) should be ashamed of themselves.

Using their children for financial gain from a cash poor school district with their ridiculous lawsuit. Where is the patriotism in another frivolous lawsuit?


George M. Lopez, Morgan Hill

Our voices need to be heard in Sacramento regarding HSR

Dear Editor,

Are you concerned that High Speed Rail through Gilroy/Morgan Hill may offer more harm than good? Below are links to the recommendations that will be presented (and undoubtedly approved) at the HSR Board meeting May 5 (that’s this Thursday) in Sacramento. I will be attending this meeting and I suggest you do whatever it takes to attend. Our community needs to go on record at this board meeting:

No. 1 – HSR tracks and station are NOT an option in east Gilroy:

– East Gilroy was NOT studied in the Program Environmental Impact Report

– East Gilroy alignment does NOT follow an existing corridor

– East Gilroy station is NOT located in an existing city center with connectivity to local transportation

– LAFCO, Committee for Green Foothills, Santa Clara County Farm Bureau, Gilroy Historic Society, and the community – do NOT support an East Gilroy option – we’ve said so loud and clear at every public meeting.

No. 2 – Downtown Gilroy option must include trench/tunnel, must include a blended service with an upgraded Caltrain system and a significant reduction in the 6,600 car parking requirement, etc. Do it right, or don’t come through our community.

No. 3 – California cannot afford HSR and the ridership figures, which the entire system and operation is designed around, are completely false.

You decide. What you think matters – this is your community. 

Yvonne Sheets-Saucedo, Gilroy

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