Our community has an active Interfaith Clergy Alliance, which includes clergy from a number of the faith communities in Morgan Hill, San Martin and Gilroy. We were distressed to learn from our colleague, Imam Ilyas Anwar of South Valley Islamic Center (SVIC), about acts of physical and verbal assault following special Ramadan evening prayers on Friday night, March 7, targeting some members of our local Muslim community at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center. Two of the victims were an elderly father and his daughter.
According to members of the SVIC, the situation involved a physical confrontation by a male perpetrator who aggressively pushed and cursed an elderly community member.
Just prior to this, the male perpetrator also aggressively confronted a father and son who were walking to their cars, with the perpetrator asking the Muslim man, “Are you from Palestine?!” “Are you Hamas?!” When the father responded, “We are Americans, we are human beings,” the perpetrator yelled, “I love Israel!”
We, the Interfaith Clergy Alliance members, affirm our belief that each human person has divine dignity. What does it mean to be in a community? We feel the attack on these individuals is an attack on all of us and our communities.
Islamophobia has no place in our community. We stand against all acts of hate. Our sacred texts urge us to treat all people with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity or religion.
Therefore, as religious community leaders in this town, we ask the entire community to safeguard each other’s dignity. We pray all agree not to allow either overt or covert attacks, in speech or in action, on the dignity of anyone who lives here.
By doing so, we can engage in what the Psalmist teaches, to build a world out of love.
Submitted by Pastor Anita Warner and Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz on behalf of the Interfaith Clergy Alliance: Imam Ilyas Anwar, South Valley Islamic Community; Rev. Mary B. Blessing, Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real; Rev. Dr. Ernest Boyer, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Gilroy; Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz, Congregation Emeth, Morgan Hill; Bishop Mark Fullmer, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Gilroy; Rev. Michael Hendricksen, St. Mary Catholic Church, Gilroy; Rev. Hwapyoung Kang, Gilroy United Methodist Church and Hollister United Methodist Church; Rabbi Debbie Israel, Rabbi Emerita, Congregation Emeth, Morgan Hill; Pastor Ronald E. Koch, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Gilroy; Rev. José Antonio Rubio, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Gilroy; Rev. Anita R. Warner, Advent Lutheran Church, Morgan Hill
Editor’s note: The Morgan Hill Police Department, in a statement, said it is investigating the March 7 incident described in the above letter.
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