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You don’t drive on bald tires. You don’t live in a house with a
crumbling foundation. So let’s start your golf swing with a solid
base – your grip. Many beginners are inclined to use the 10-finger
“baseball grip.” Unfortunately, if you want to improve as you play,
the baseball grip will not allow you to do this as rapidly
You don’t drive on bald tires. You don’t live in a house with a crumbling foundation. So let’s start your golf swing with a solid base – your grip.

Many beginners are inclined to use the 10-finger “baseball grip.” Unfortunately, if you want to improve as you play, the baseball grip will not allow you to do this as rapidly. The baseball grip puts equal pressure on the hand from the left and right (lower) hands. With most of us being right-handed the lower hand will take over. This will in effect shorten your club by six to eight inches, and essentially add brakes to your swing.

I suggest the overlapping or interlocking grip. Lay the club’s grip in your left hand across the finger joints and now in your palm. Close your hand over, so the left thumb now is slightly behind the club. Do the same with the right, in the finger joints and not in the palm. In the overlap grip, the pinky of your right hand slides into the spot between your first and second finger of the left. In the interlocking grip, these two fingers “tie” together. In both cases, finish the grip by closing your right hand over the top, so the right thumb lies on the front side of the club. Don’t put your thumb straight down the shaft. Your club is not a fishing pole.

Which grip you choose is a personal preference, though, I say if you have smaller hands the interlocking will probably be more comfortable and better for you. As far as the PGA Tour players are concerned, the vast majority overlap. Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods, however, interlock, so I’m going to say it works.

Choose one or the other and stick to it, but remember, don’t bring the baseball grip to the golf course. Leave it on the diamond.

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