music in the park, psychedelic furs

Many residents and businesses in Morgan Hill have experienced spotty or nonexistent cellular and Wi-Fi service after a construction crew accidentally destroyed a high-bandwidth fiber optic line the morning of Aug. 8, according to authorities.

Residents in need of emergency police, fire or medical services should still be able to call 911 on their cellular phones, according to MHPD Sgt. Bill Norman.

If emergency cell calls fail, CalFire Battalion Chief Jim Crawford urged those in need of fire or police to call from a landline. If that fails or if there is no landline nearby, residents can visit the nearest fire or police station to report an emergency.

The telecommunications outage resulted from an accident at a construction site on the north side of Morgan Hill, according to multiple sources.

As of noon Aug. 1, Morgan Hill police and fire spokespeople did not have details about how many customers were affected by the outage, nor when service would be fully restored.

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  1. I have been informed, by the City of Morgan Hill, that they were told by Spectrum/Charter that it was the terrible accident that happened on NB101 that caused the outage, even though that outage happened at 3:30am. However, the internet service didn’t go out until around 8:30am, shortly after 101N was fully reopened. I would LOVE for some news coverage on this to make sure that this is true. If Spectrum/Charter really did cut the line as other reports have stated, then that needs to be clarified so customers can request a refund for the outage, since it’s expected to be a day or two before it’s fixed!

  2. I just moved to MH on August 1st and this is Spectrum 2nd outage (one was on 8/6) since i moved in. Last one took 12 hrs to restore and todays one another 12 hrs. I don’t know how people live here with this level of net service. your phone, security system, business all depend on net. No sense of service level commitment.

  3. fyi: power poles don’t carry fiber optic lines. those are buried. smells fishy. mh times reported it was a construction crew error.

  4. That outage probably cost me $1k today having no customers call, and no internet access. I was pissed off and stressed all day. Hot spotting my phone was very marginal. I would like to know about the time lapse also, it doesn’t make sense. How vulnerable is the fiber infrastructure? Is it really that weak that a car wreck takes it out? It should be buried underground. Time to make wireless great again.


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