EDITOR: San Martin is a charming community of approximately
5,600 residents nestled between Morgan Hill and Gilroy. Cowboys can
still ride horseback to the local market. No sidewalks and only one
signal – at the intersection of San Martin Avenue and Monterey
Road. There are three local markets, one cafe, an elementary
school, an airport, an emergency housing facility, a winery, a golf
course and various other local-serving businesses. Some nearest
neighbors are blocks away from each other. What a pleasant place to
call home.
San Martin is a charming community of approximately 5,600 residents nestled between Morgan Hill and Gilroy. Cowboys can still ride horseback to the local market. No sidewalks and only one signal – at the intersection of San Martin Avenue and Monterey Road. There are three local markets, one cafe, an elementary school, an airport, an emergency housing facility, a winery, a golf course and various other local-serving businesses. Some nearest neighbors are blocks away from each other. What a pleasant place to call home.
Because I care about my community, I became a member of San Martin Neighborhood Alliance (SMNA). San Martin needs a local voice, residents working together regarding decisions concerning our community. SMNA community meetings are every third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. – Lions Club Hall on Murphy Avenue. The next one is Nov. 20.
The mission of SMNA is “to protect San Martin’s rural atmosphere, support positive controlled growth, promote neighborhood identity and vitality, ensure an influential voice in the local governing body, provide members with information so that they can play an active and informed role in finding solutions to our neighborhood concerns.”
It is with these goals in mind that several San Martin residents/volunteers will be hosting neighborhood meetings to determine the “pulse of San Martin” in regards to incorporation. Input from these meetings will also be helpful in getting all of the ideas and concerns of the community on the table and then utilizing them in developing the Village of San Martin’s General Plan.
To quote Sylvia Hamilton, SMNA president, “Incorporation is a big decision and it is vitally important to get everyone’s input. The community needs to be willing to work for incorporation and if a significant number oppose it then we stop the process.”
I am hopeful that all San Martin residents will be receptive to their neighborhood captain and open-minded to the research that has been done. I also hope they will accept their neighbors’ invitation to attend an information gathering/sharing meeting. I urge you to talk to your neighbors and encourage them to attend to share their cares and concerns; you may find that you share the same frequently asked questions as others regarding incorporation.
Should you have questions concerning any matters in San Martin, refer to the SMNA website which has a wealth of information including the feasibility study, incorporation (frequently asked questions and answers), airport, perchlorate, event calendar, etc.
Together we make a difference – www.smneighbor.org
Connie Ludewig, San Martin