Cajun food coming soon to Morgan Hill
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Red Phone, What’s going on with the old Courtesy Chevrolet
store? I see the sign that Gilroy Honda will be taking it over, but

“Dear Red Phone, What’s going on with the old Courtesy Chevrolet store? I see the sign that Gilroy Honda will be taking it over, but when. The building appears to be going through the never-ending makeover. Will we ever have a car dealership in that location? I’d think Morgan Hill with the freeway frontage would be an ideal spot for an auto row. What is the city doing to attract auto dealerships? I’d think it would be great for tax revenue.”

Red Phone: Dear What is the City Doing, Red Phone contacted Garrett Toy, Business Assistance and Housing Services Director, who said Gilroy Honda is renovating the old Chevrolet space for its new dealership location.

“We anticipate that the transformation will be completed by the end of the year,” Toy said.

With regard to new dealerships, Toy said they are great generators of tax revenue.

“Unfortunately, car sales are a function of the economy and most car dealers and brands aren’t looking to open new locations or expand given the current economic conditions,” he said.

Good caller, hope that answers your questions.

Cemetery is a mess; who cares for it?

“Dear Red Phone, who is responsible for the upkeep of the grounds at Mt. Hope Cemetery? I recently went to visit my father’s grave site and I was shocked at the rundown state of the cemetery. Who cares for the grounds?”

Red Phone: Dear Shocked, Red Phone contacted Rebecca Tolentino, a senior planner in the city’s Community Development Department, who said the owner and operator of the cemetery is the Habing Family, which runs the Habing Family Funeral Home in Gilroy. Red Phone sent an e-mail regarding your concern and asking for a maintenance schedule. As of press time, no response was received.

Good caller, stay tuned for an update.

Why the security guard at school?

“Red Phone, can someone tell me why Stratford School on Llagas Avenue now has two private security guards during school hours?”

Red Phone: Dear Tell Me Why, Red Phone contacted Andrea Rush, the school’s administrator, who said there is one guard on duty from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., not two.

“That’s common place for all Stratford Schools,” Rush said. There are 13 Stratford Schools in the Bay Area, ranging from Danville to Morgan Hill. The Morgan Hill campus, at Llagas and Hale avenues, is in its second year.

Hope that answers your question, good caller.

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