music in the park, psychedelic furs

Live Oak and Sobrato hold annual fall tradition last weekend
Although the football teams faced formidable opponents in El Molino and Salinas, the fact that both Sobrato High and Live Oak High lost their Homecoming games did not put much of a damper on the weekend’s celebrations.

“It just turned out wonderfully,” said Marla Carroll, associate student body director for Sobrato. ”The whole week was great. The students worked so hard, and their efforts paid off.”

Both Sobrato and Live Oak had a “Spirit Week” last week with each day having a different theme.

Once the pep rallies were over on Friday afternoon, the observance of Homecoming cultures began: Live Oak’s 100-year history has led to the development of many traditions, while Sobrato is just starting to build some of its own.

“The floats were beautifully done, so creative,” Carroll said of Sobrato’s class floats. “The students really put a lot of time into them. Next year, I think we’ll go down to two, and let the seniors work with the sophomores, and the juniors work with the freshmen.”

This year, each class created a float, with the junior float winning first prize and the freshmen float voted second best.

ASB students – Carroll said she has 86 kids in two leadership classes – voted for the Hollywood theme, and the floats were decorated accordingly, with silhouettes of the Hollywood Hills and sign, with stars and even a video showing Sobrato student life on the sophomore float.

Sobrato did not have a parade, as Live Oak does every year on the Friday afternoon before the game. Sobrato Principal Rich Knapp said the location of the school made that too difficult, as the floats could not go out on Monterey Highway to come into Morgan Hill. Carroll said a circle around the school or around the campus might be considered.

Sobrato students voted for juniors Chelsea Hrupek and Ryan Denice as Homecoming King and Queen. The entire court plus runners-up was honored during half-time of the varsity football game.

Later that night, more than 400 students showed up to attend the Homecoming dance in the gym.

“The dance was a nice exclamation mark to the week,” Carroll said. “They seemed to have a great time, and they were dressed up and behaved nicely. We got a lot of compliments from the staff.”

As the school grows to include seniors next year, Carroll said there may be adjustments to the Homecoming celebrations besides the floats.

“I know it will be bigger and better,” she said. “A lot of what we do is up to what the students decided, so we’ll have to wait and see what comes up. But I think it is exciting for the students, and for us on the staff, to be a part of developing traditions.”

Marilyn Dubil covers education and law enforcement for The Times. Reach her at (408) 779-4106 ext. 202 or at md****@mo*************.com.

Live oak Homecoming court

Homecoming Queen Allyson Yamashita escorted by Abram Abordo

The Royal Court:

Freshman Princess Perla Garcia escorted by Luis Rossas

Sophomore Princess Hanna Hart escorted by Nic Muhn

Junior Princess Rebecca Webb escorted by Steven Silvera (in the parade) and Jake Persing (during half-time)

Senior Princess Alyx Martinez escorted by Vincent Huerta (in the parade) and Evan Martinez (during half-time)

Senior Princess Raelyn Ferry escorted by Jeff Heil

Senior Princess Lindsay Turner escorted by Bobby Long

Senior Princess Siara Shannon escorted by Cameron Willis (in the parade) and Tim Abbot (during half-time)

Faculty Queen Kristen Hamilton

and Faculty King Victor Leija

Club Royalty:

4×4: Queen Kaylee Tersini escorted by Jaron Gulla

Black Student Union: Queen Deahna Davis escorted by Eddie Marrot

Broadcasting Club: Queen Brooke Graham escorted by Calvin Kiss

C.S.F: Queen Susan Carr escorted by Steven Garcia

Drama Club: Queen Jesse Henry escorted by Travis Blanchard

Earth Club: Queen Angela Poth escorted by Stevie Sendejas

F.B.L.A.: Queen Dorothy Mou escorted by Don Tam

F.F.A.: Queen Erin Schlegel escorted by Anthony Friebel

French Club: Queen Jessy Lammers escorted by Brandon Clayton

Geology Club: Queen Samantha Acosta escorted by Spencer Lines

Graphics Club: Queen Amelia Tarin escorted by Luis Medina

GSA: Queen Rosendo Green escorted by Zac Rezesniowiecki

Interact Club: Queen Cera Singley escorted by Derrick Renauro

Latin Dance Club: Queen Mary Luna escorted by Gustavo Lugo

Mecha Club: Queen Cruz Natera escorted by Juan deLeon

Melody Club: Queen My Tran Nguyen escorted by Andrew Gradillas

Mock Trial: Queen Katherine Soult escorted by Daniel Carroll

Patriot Club: Queen Lindsey Fuller escorted by Thomas Watson

Photography Club: Queen Acacia Brown Korbel escorted by Scott Dehn

Stitchin Time Club: Queen Elise Esquenazi escorted by DJ Welch

Student Art Society: Queen Danielle Cavanaugh escorted by Shea Coleman

Video Club: Queen Alyssa Nelson escorted by Nick Campos (in the parade) and Richie Valencia (during half-time)

Sobrato Homecoming Court

Queen King (Juniors)

Chelsea Hrupek, Ryan Denice


Britney Montez Marqus Crawford

Sabrina Hambaba Itzcally Valencia

Princess Prince (Sophomore )

Brianna Fisher, Chris Montoya


Alejandra Cervantes Jarrod Murray

Andrea Walker, Quincy Rich

Duchess and Duke (Freshman)

Karissa Duran Timothy Cavanaugh


Allison Finley, James Mireles,

Jennifer Tran, Lance Wolfsmith

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