Join Santa Clara County Supervisor Mike Wasserman, Santa Clara Valley Water District Director John Varela and residents of San Martin March 24 to volunteer to help clean up your community.
The “San Martin Trash Bash” will start 8:30am March 24. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Sig Sanchez Government Center, 80 Highland Ave. The event will occur, rain or shine.
Volunteers age 16 and older will be asked to register for the event. Volunteers must sign waivers of liability.
Community service hours will be available for students who wish to volunteer, according to a press release. Cleanup supplies and safety gear will be provided. Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
To RSVP, email ev****@sa**************.org or sign up on Facebook by searching for the page “San Martin Trash Bash.”
The cleanup event is sponsored by the San Martin Neighborhood Alliance, Santa Clara County, GreenWaste, SCVWD and the San Martin Chamber of Commerce.