Live Oak High grads Steve Conner (middle) and Daniel Salinas
music in the park, psychedelic furs

As part of the City’s General Plan update process, the Morgan Hill City Council, Planning Commission and the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) will hold a workshop Wednesday, Feb. 19 at the Community and Cultural Center’s Hiram Morgan Hill room. 

The City is currently in the process of a comprehensive update, known as “Morgan Hill 2035,” of its General Plan and major land use documents. 

Cities in California are required to update their General Plans every 10 years, and the last time Morgan Hill comprehensively updated it General Plan was in 2001. The General Plan is a long-term planning document that contains elements for housing, traffic, land use and economic development. 

The purpose of Wednesday’s workshop, which takes place from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., is to finalize the selection of three potential “growth alternatives” that will be used on the coming months to analyze the pros and cons of the different alternatives, according to a press release from City staff. Factors to be taken into account in this analysis include job growth, the economy and traffic. 

Input gathered and presented at the workshop will inform the Council’s consideration during the meeting of which three growth alternatives they will formally approve at an 8 p.m. Council meeting, directly after the General Plan workshop, City staff said. 

The available growth alternatives present a “range of potential ways Morgan Hill could grow over the next 20 years,” City staff said. The alternatives have been developed and refined based on input gained from previously held City Council and Planning Commission study sessions, GPAC meetings, and community workshops, and other input received through the General Plan Update process, which has been underway since the beginning of 2013.

The Community and Cultural Center is located at 17000 Monterey Road. 

The 8 p.m. Council meeting following the workshop will take place at Council chambers, 17555 Peak Ave. 

For more information about the City’s ongoing General Plan update process, visit 

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