Annual music series plays its final note of the season in
The annual Friday Night Music series came to a close Friday evening as the Corvairs – described as a high-octane rock and roll band – put the cap on the event’s 13th year.
Each year the concert series has become more popular with local residents, according to Michelle Naylor, Special Events Director for the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce.
“Two or three times during the summer, we have had as many as 1,200 people attending,” Naylor said. “It’s a very well-mannered, family-oriented crowd.”
As the band got ready for the final performance Friday, restaurants on Monterey were filled with people dining, some getting ready to walk to the event. People sat on their lawn chairs and visited with one another.
Morgan Hill residents Rich and Vicki Weller said they come to the Friday Night Music Series whenever they can, and they always bring their 8-year-old granddaughter, Cheyenne Butner, who lives in San Jose.
“She loves to dance to the music,” Vicki said. “We like the music and different bands. A lot of our neighbors come here and we meet here.”
The Friday Night Music Series is a tradition for longtime Morgan Hill residents Mary Rasmussen and Sally Ryser.
“We love it here!” exclaimed Ryser. “We’re so sad this is the last one. We’ve been coming here forever, every year, since it started.”
“We just love to watch the little kids,” Rasmussen said. “The toddlers entertain us with their dancing. Their bands are just so good, and even better than the ones on television. It’s a nice addition to this town and we appreciate the merchants for doing it.”
Local residents Margaret Perez and Sue Valenti have also been going to the Friday event for many years.
“I’ve been to every one but one this summer,” Valenti said proudly.
“It gets us out on Friday night,” said Perez. “It’s a family thing, we love watching people and their kids and love the dancing.”
Tom and Wendy Mosgrove, also of Morgan Hill, had their two children with them. Together with Mary Katherine Lessard, who brought her three children with her also, they busily lined chairs for their children and talked about the Friday Night Music Series.
“We’ve been here 75 percent of the time,” said Tom. “We love the music!”
Wendy summarized what appeared to be the crowd’s feelings.
“I love that our kids can come over and be free and it’s safe. They dance, we have fun and even bring a picnic dinner. I love the community feeling it provides. It’s my most favorite part of living in Morgan Hill, along with the Fourth of July parade,” said Wendy.
The music series is responsible for starting the weekend by attracting residents to the downtown area. Parking spaces are full throughout downtown and businesses that stay open later, especially the restaurants, point to the Chamber event as being a major reason their businesses beef up Friday nights during the summer.
The new Plaza Mexican-Italian Grill attributes much of its success and exposure to the Friday Night Music Series.
“It definitely has had an effect, in fact, it has been the main source of customers. It has been very, very helpful by getting us customers and giving us more exposure,” said Eugenio Vargas, the new owner of the restaurant, which offers Mexican and Italian cuisine.
Vargas said on Fridays the event draws two dinner crowds for him, the group that comes early at 5:30pm for dinner before the event, and then the regular 6pm crowd that comes for dinner and will stop by while the music is playing.
“The place especially gets crowded and filled completely when there are good bands,” said Vargas.
Michelina’s Haute Designs stays open later on Fridays and appears to draw the Friday evening crowd that flocks to watch the band nearby and also eats at Sinaloa’s Mexican Restaurant, which is located next to her store. She and Sinaloa’s owner Steve Peña agree, there is more foot traffic into their businesses because of the Chamber event.
“The Friday music helps, people come to it from work. The events down the street and Sinaloa’s draws people here. The parking lots get full,” said Michelina’s owner Mickey Reiff. “I see new faces all the time.”
Rosy Bergin of Rosy’s at the Beach said her business has benefited also. Located downtown the past seven years, she noted, she’s observed the crowds for the music series have grown over the years.
“I’ve noticed the most crowds this year,” Bergin said. “The crowds have always been good and helped us before, after and even during the event. Since we opened our patio people can dine outside and listen to the music. It gives a nice ambiance.”
Naylor said she is glad the Friday event has helped downtown business.
“I think it’s absolutely wonderful that we are helping the downtown merchants,” said Naylor. She added, “The Chamber is always open to ideas that will bring people downtown.”
Rose Meily is the City Editor for the Morgan Hill Times. Reach her at 779-4106 ext. 201 or by e-mail at rm****@mo*************.com