Ford Store Morgan Hill was selected as one of four dealerships in the U.S. to participate in a wind power pilot project, helping to advance the auto dealer’s and the city of Morgan Hill’s long-term commitment to renewable energy.
Ford Store owner Tim Paulus said the dealership on Condit Road, which is also in the process of expanding its service department, plans to install a wind turbine and solar panels by the end of the first quarter of this year, pending city approval.
Paulus added it’s not just the dealership that is interested in promoting sustainable energy. It’s also Ford Store’s customers, who made the local dealer the number one seller of Ford’s line of Energi plug-in hybrid vehicles in the country in 2013.
“We’re selling so many (hybrids) because there are so many folks here who drive up to Silicon Valley, and they can use the HOV lanes which is a huge time savings,” Paulus said.
Ford Motor Company selected Ford Store Morgan Hill to participate in the “Windy System” late last year. The project, in conjunction with Wind Energy Corporation, will produce more than $750,000 in wind and solar panels to “help power dealership facilities, electric vehicle charging stations and lot lighting,” said Ford Motor Company spokeswoman Danielle Vaticano.
“The Ford Store Morgan Hill, a certified electric vehicle dealer, was chosen to participate in this pilot program due to their already strong commitment to clean energy and technology,” Vaticano said.
Vaticano added that Ford Store Morgan Hill is the top retail volume Ford dealer in the San Francisco Bay Area market since 2011.
Morgan Hill Program Administrator Anthony Eulo, who has been instrumental in developing the city’s “environmental agenda” in recent years, said it’s “fabulous” that Ford Store wants to join the ranks of other local companies that power their business on renewable energy facilities. These include Safeway at Tennant Station, which has one of the largest solar panel systems in Morgan Hill.
Paulus added that Ford representatives conducted a wind test on the property before selecting the site to participate in the Windy program. That test proved the location is capable of providing adequate wind to make the system, consisting of a single turbine, pay off without bothering birds or other wildlife.