Ann Sobrato High School’s students began class today knowing that this is the first year for Sobrato High to have a full campus, complete with apprehensive freshmen and energetic seniors. Sobrato’s student population has grown from 1,050 to 1,500 teenagers. Twenty-one staff members have been added to accommodate the increased number. The students will be welcomed with a back-to-school dance on Aug. 25 from 8pm to 11pm. Admission is $5 with an ASB card and $10 without.

Sobrato’s fall sports teams have been fielded over the summer and have been practicing for the upcoming season. Volleyball coach Mr. Kevin Miller and Mrs. Carmen Villegas of field hockey are persistently training their teams. The varsity football team likes and respects their new coach, Mr. Dan Brown. One player, Timothy Cavanaugh, remarked, “He is helping us improve our game. Now that we have seniors, our team will be even better.” Mr. Joseph Bagley, another teacher at Sobrato, will be coaching the junior varsity team.

Sobrato sponsors a full extra-curricular program. During Club Day, Sept. 13, various clubs will be gathering new members. Some Sobrato clubs include ASB, Interact, Amnesty International, CSF, MeCHa, FFA, the Bike Club, Cooking Club, and En Vogue (fashion club). Also, the Drama Club will produce a show this fall while the Social Studies Department will sponsor the Mock Trial team.

In addition, Sobrato’s music program has been getting in the swing over summer. The band just completed a week-long camp of training: they worked each day from 8am to 10pm. The goal for the Sobrato marching band is to promote school spirit by performing at as many games, rallies, and assemblies as possible. Students always look forward to hearing Mr. Erik Kalish marching the band during 6th period.

Parents should know that Back to School night is Sept. 14 from 6pm to 9pm. The Sobrato Athletic Boosters Fundraiser barbecue, bake sale, and raffle will take place during the first 45 minutes while ASB officers lead tours of the campus. At 6:45, parents will meet in the gym and then go to their students’ classrooms.

Members of the first graduating senior class at Sobrato have exhilarating activities waiting to thrill them during their last year of high school. They will enjoy the usual activities of grad night, prom, and panoramic pictures. However, ASB President Emily Tewes said, “The Senior Class is a tight-knit group and has many unique ideas to make this exciting year unlike anything Morgan Hill has seen before.” New traditions might include having a Senior Beach Day and a Homecoming Dance with a secret theme hosted by the seniors. All anticipated profits from the dance would be put in the senior account.

Whether you are a student, a Sobrato staff member, or just an interested observer, it is obvious to see that the excitement of starting something new has spread throughout Bulldog country.

Catherine Connor is a sophomore at Ann Sobrato High School.

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