music in the park, psychedelic furs


All the pizza you can eat for free? It sounds wonderful, but owning and operating a pizza business is hard work. This is exactly the idea that LIVE OAK HIGH SCHOOL FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA tried to convey to students in the American Enterprise Project “Enterprising Pizza.” From Jan. 23 to Feb. 9, Live Oak FBLA will be conducting the project at the El Toro Youth Center to teach children basic business principles and the ins and outs of running a company.

Students are learning about the American free enterprising system through starting and owning their own hypothetical pizza companies. They will develop organizational skills, problem solving strategies and business skills. The students will participate in simulations of problems that would be encountered in owning an actual business. They will also learn about advertising, financing, customer service, terminology and why businesses succeed or fail. The students design advertisements, prepare a resume, interview for a loan, predict expenses, design blueprints and choose the quality and price of their pizza.

As a conclusion to this project, a fair will be held on Feb. 9 at Live Oak High School’s faculty lounge during which the children and their companies will make and sell their pizzas with materials donated by local pizza companies. During the fair, they will also present their “pizza companies” to their friends and families and show how their companies progressed throughout the weeks. The company that makes the biggest profit will receive an award. There will be games and prizes for everyone attending the fair.


Los Paseos Elementary School celebrated the 100th Day of School on Jan. 31 and used the occasion to also recognize the 100th year of the founding of the City of Morgan Hill. The entire student body gathered in the multi-purpose building to present and display their interpretation of 100 days of school. Some of these displays included painter hats covered with 100 items, papers with 100 math arrays, a paper chain of 100 links, 100 sentences, a 100-day song and 100-day stories. Students also learned about the city’s founding history. Based on this historical presentation, and beneath a balloon arch donated by Balloonatics, the fifth-grade class presented a television show, “Who Wants to be a Hundredaire.” Student panelists were asked questions, and the student audience participated by selecting the best answer based on the history of Morgan Hill.


Mount Madonna School is offering a free workshop for parents entitled “Protecting the Gift of Childhood: Preparing for School or Preparing for Life?” The workshop will be held Thursday, from 10:30am-11:30am, in the Morgan hill Library meeting room, 17575 Peak Ave.

The free workshop will be led by Sarojani Rohan, co-founder and director of Mount Madonna School’s preschool/kindergarten program.

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