Tuesday 7.26 Order of the Eastern Star The Manzanita Chapter in
Morgan Hill meets fourth Tuesday of every month, 8pm, at 380 W.
Dunne Ave. Former I.O.R.G. members now eligible. Marilyn Blaustein,
ma**************@ao*.com or 779-4017.
Tuesday 7.26
Order of the Eastern Star
The Manzanita Chapter in Morgan Hill meets fourth Tuesday of every month, 8pm, at 380 W. Dunne Ave. Former I.O.R.G. members now eligible.
Marilyn Blaustein, ma**************@ao*.com or 779-4017.
Kiwanis Club
Meets every Tuesday at 7pm at the Grange, 40 E. Fourth St.
Hollister Bridge
Noon, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Dunne Park Clubhouse, corner of West and Sixth streets. Lessons, Tuesday at 11:30am.
831-637-6996 or 261-0268.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Various meetings in Morgan Hill and South County throughout the week to help those trying to break a drinking problem. Meets daily, Monday-Saturday, 12:30, 6 and 8pm, Sunday, 11am and 7:30pm, 18675 N. Adams Ct.
Andy’s Orchard Taste and Tour
Taste cherries and other fruits and take a tour of the orchard, 10am at 1615 Half Road.
Cost is $10.
www.andysorchard.com or 782-7600.
Wednesday 7.27
Business Seminar
Presented by San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce and the University of Phoenix, 8-10am at the University of Phoenix, 3590 N. First St., San Jose. $40 per person.
www.sjchamber.com or Carol Kassab, 291-5286.
Rotary Club
Meets every Wednesday at noon at Golden Oak Restaurant, 16695 Condit Road.
Le Tip
Professionals exchange business leads in this business organization. Guests welcome. Wednesdays, 7-8:30am at Speros, 16375 Monterey Road.
www.letip-morganhill.com or 779-1676.
Business Networking Int’l
Exposes the public to new people and businesses, and increases referrals. Meets every Wednesday, 7:20am at Scrambl’z, 775 E. Dunne Ave.
www.bni.com or Jan Dean, 779-9087.
City Council
Meets first, third and fourth Wednesday of every month, 7pm, in City Hall Chambers, 17555 Peak Ave. Broadcast live on channel 17.
www.morgan-hill.ca.gov or 779-7271.
Thursday 7.28
Morgan Hill Toastmasters No. 8337
Meets each Thursday, 7:30-8:30am at ComUnity Lending, 610 Jarvis Dr., Suite 200. Visitors welcome.
Leads Club
South County Chapter open to business professionals seeking to expand their businesses. Meets Thursdays, 7:30am at The Little House Restaurant, 6120 Monterey Road, Gilroy.
Gilroy Duplicate Bridge
Mondays, 6:30pm in the Monticelli Community Room, Bldg. 129, 841 Monticelli Drive; Thursdays, 10am at the Senior Center, 7371 Hanna St.; and every third Sunday, 1pm at the Veteran’s Building, 74 W. 6th St.
Sons in Retirement
South County Chapter, Branch 119, of SIRS meets the fourth Thursday. Luncheon at noon, doors open at 11am at the Elks Lodge, 2765 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy.
George, 842-4444 or Earle, 779-9053.
Friday 7.29
Friday Night Music Series
Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Fridays, 7-9pm in Downtown Morgan Hill. Fast Lane Band-rock and roll.
www.morganhill.org or 779-9444.
Gilroy Garlic Festival
Garlic, garlic and more garlic to please your palate. Music, crafts, cooking demonstrations and competition, interactive displays and much more. Christmas Hill Park.
842-1625 or www.gilroygarlicfestival.com
Fifth Street Live
Friday night music series 6-8pm at Fifth Street between Eilgeberry and Monterey streets in Gilroy. South Bay Swing Band. Free.
Coffee With Melodies
Sue’s Coffee Roasting Company, Fifth and Monterey streets in Gilroy, hosts live bands Fridays, 7-9pm. T-Bone Walter July 29.
Saturday 7.30
‘Family Camping 101’
Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, 10840 Coyote Lake Road in Gilroy, hosts “Family Camping 101,” a free workshop provided by REI, from 10am to noon.
An REI representative will show how to make camping with the family fun and enjoyable and tips on proper planning, important supplies and activities that keep both children and adults captivated.
Participants should meet at the Lakeview picnic area. A $5 vehicle entry fee may apply.
842-7800 or 355-2255.
Vacation Bible School
San Martin Presbyterian Church, 1300 Lincoln Ave. in San Martin, will host a “Vacation Bible School” for ages 4-13, Aug. 15-19, from 5:30 to 8:30pm. Includes a light meal.
Registration will be held Saturday, from 9 to 11am, and Sunday from noon to 2pm, at the church.
683-2908 or 778-1370.
Star Gazing
9:30pm at the Lakeview Picnic Area at Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, 10840 Coyote Lake Road, Gilroy.
www.sjaa.net or 842-7800.
Sunday 7.31
Community Blood Drive
1:30-6:30pm at Church on the Rock, 700 E. Dunne Ave.
www.BeADonor.com or 800-GIVE-LIFE.
10th Annual Apologetics Series
JP Moreland – “Secrets to True Spirituality” Habits for authentic real life, 8:45am and 10:30am at South Valley Community Church, 8095 Kelton Drive, Gilroy.
www.svccgilroy.com or 848-2363.