Dear Editor,

As Morgan Hill residents, we have been disheartened by the representation of Congressman Richard Pombo. At a time when this country is facing an ongoing and ill-advised war, mounting debt and global warming, he has shown a lack of leadership, action, and integrity. We were shocked to learn that our own congressman was dishonored as one of the most corrupt members of Congress by a non-partisan group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. His wife and brother receiving $325,000 over 4 years  on his payroll? Indian tribes giving him $370,000 in “donations” when he is involved in legislation that directly affects them?  Don’t we deserve better than this? We agree with Democrats and Republicans alike (e.g. Former Congressman Pete McCloskey-R) that it is our civic responsibility to take this race very seriously and make our voices heard on Election Day. We owe it to our children, our community, and future generations to take the time to cast our vote for Jerry McNerney, a man with integrity who can restore accountability to this office and move this country in the right direction. People are waking up to the reality that we are sorely in need of our own “regime change” in Washington, and we Californians can help build the momentum in November to bring this country back on track.

Patti and Norihito Hamaguchi, Morgan Hill

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