Dear Editor,
Gov. Moonbeam and his henchmen want to raise taxes, and the election-year propaganda machine has been fired up. He needs this revenue to fund recent legislation (that he signed) to provide free college for illegal aliens and for public schools to teach perversion.
This is the same failure, known as “tax-and-spend,” that he practiced in the 1970s – grow government, increase costs, then hike taxes to pay for it. Moonbeam says it’s for “five years.” If it passes, it will never go away; when the five years are up, the Democrats will call such an expiration a “tax cut for the rich” and will label their opponents “greedy.”
Their apologists will say that it’s just continuing at the current rate. We heard the same, dull rhetoric when the two-year “temporary” tax hike expired on July 1. They claim that the “rich,” who already pay tax at a higher rate in this state, should pay “their fair share,” but refuse to define what that is.
They are trying to muster votes and passion by creating class envy. California’s revenue is heavily dependent on personal income taxes, so Moonbeam wants to raise them even more – his solution is, more of the same!
This “tax the rich” con-game mimics the tobacco-tax strategy – find a minority scapegoat, set up a dependency, and then cry “broke” when the source dries up. Doubt it? Then why does the establishment in Sacramento refuse to justify how the state is still spending 12 percent more in the 2011-12 fiscal year than in the previous fiscal year? Are household incomes up anywhere near 12 percent? Did anyone get a 12 percent pay raise in 2011?
The same socialist ploy was done with capital gains: Until the Bush tax-cuts fixed this, small (read, middle-class) investors were discouraged from investing, because when you lost mutual-fund money, you got no tax break, but later if the value increased even just to the previous level, you were taxed on the “income.” The Clinton taxes on capital gains only favored big investors, but Warren Buffett (a Democrat apologist) and his kind were curiously silent until the middle class got a break.
The teachers union, which funded Moonbeam’s campaign, has also begun its propaganda, running an ad saying that Kim Kardashian should pay more tax to fund “essential services.”
These “services” are “essential” to their job security, which they have built through incentives for illegal immigration (which costs California a net $10.5 billion annually).
This is nearly a repeat of a decade ago, when former governor Gray Davis rewarded the prison guards for their union’s support.
It is clear that the state government, which includes its “education” and prison system, serves only itself.
“Just say no” to ANY tax hike; it’s no more than legalized extortion.
Alan Viarengo, Gilroy