music in the park, psychedelic furs

Ballot Set for June Election
Morgan Hill –A controversial half-cent county sales tax and a slew of local races will be on the ballot for the June 6 primary election. And as the deadline to appear on the ballot expired Friday, state legislators were still negotiating a way to place a massive multi-billion dollar infrastructure bond before voters in June as well.

The June 6 primary election is a warm-up for the November general election for state and federal offices, but will settle a number of contested county races.

At press time Friday, County Supervisor Don Gage was running unopposed for his final term, but Santa Clara Valley Water District Director Rosemary Kamei was facing a challenge from two Morgan Hill residents, Terry Mahurin and Johne Baird.

There’s a four-way scramble in the first competitive race for district attorney in 16 years. George Kennedy is retiring and backing Chief Assistant District Attorney Karyn Sinunu for the top seat. The other candidates are Superior Court Judge Dolores Carr, Deputy District Attorney Jim Shore and Assistant District Attorney Marc Buller.

County residents will also be asked to extend funding for parks and to back a half-cent sales tax to close the county’s $120 million budget deficit. The tax measure has been criticized as a way to raise money for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s plan to extend BART to San Jose without meeting the two-thirds approval threshold a transportation tax would require. The general tax will pass with a simple majority.

Morgan Hill voters will decide whether to enact a $7.9 million parcel tax to fund the Morgan Hill Unified School District and remove a restriction against grocery stores in Cochrane Plaza.

At the state level, two Democratic Monterey Bay Area politicians are vying to replace outgoing Assemblyman Simón Salinas, D-Salinas, who is termed-out.

The most exciting part of the race to represent the 28th District, which includes Gilroy, will likely take place in the primary, when Salinas Mayor Anna Caballero and Watsonville Councilwoman Ana Ventura Phares fight for their party’s nomination.

Early polling gives Caballero a 25 point lead in the race to represent the heavily Democratic district, which includes parts of Monterey, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties and encompasses all of San Benito County.

Assemblyman John Laird, D-Santa Cruz, who represents both Morgan Hill and Gilroy, does not have a Democratic challenger. He will likely face Mike Morrison, a Republican from Marina City in November.

State Treasurer Phil Angelides and Controller Steve Westly will vie for the Democratic nomination for governor and the right to take on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in November.

There are two voter-initiatves on the June ballot. Proposition 81 would raise as much as $600 million through bonds for construction and renovation of public libraries. Proposition 82 would provide preschool for all California 4-year-olds through a 1.7 percent tax on personal incomes of more than $400,000, or $800,000 for couples.

Friday night, state legislators were scheduled to meet to work out a compromise on a number of bond measures to improve the state’s infrastructure.

There’s a possibility the compromise could include changes to the state’s term limit laws. Friday was the deadline for measures to appear on the June ballot; If legislators reach a deal on a measure, they will have to amend state law to put it before voters in.

Both of South Valley’s congressional seats are being contested. Democrat Mike Honda, whose district includes Gilroy, has no challengers within his party. Morgan Hill and San Martin Congressman Richard Pombo is facing serious opposition for his seat, with three opponents in the Republican primary. Two Democrats, Steve Filson and Jerry McNerney will fight to run for the seat in November. McNerney lost to Pombo in 2004.

What’s on the Ballot

Candidates and measures appearing on the June 6 primary ballot.*

All county races are non-partisan. In the event one candidate does not receive a majority of the vote, a run-off election will be held in November.



  • Don Gage, incumbent


  • Larry Stone, incumbent

  • Pete McHugh, county supervisor


  • Laurie Smith, incumbent

District Attorney

  • Marc Buller, assistant district attorney

  • Dolores Carr, superior court judge

  • Jim Shore, deputy district attorney

  • Karyn Sinunu, chief deputy district attorney

Santa Clara Valley Water District

  • John Bairde, Morgan Hill rancher

  • Rosemary Kamei, incumbent

  • Terry Mahurin, retired engineer


Without increasing taxes, shall the Santa Clara County Charter be extended to provide for the acquisition, development, maintenance, and operation of parks, by continuing the annual transfer from the general fund of an amount estimated to equal $0.01425 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of all real and personal property commencing on July 1, 2009 for twelve years?

Shall a one-half cent sales tax be enacted, for 30 years, for general county purposes,

such as:

  • The County hospital and clinics;

  • Trauma and emergency services;

  • Affordable homes for families and seniors;

  • Health insurance for uninsured children;

  • Prevention programs for at-risk youth, families and seniors;

  • Transportation improvements approved in city and countywide transportation plans;

  • Services for abused and neglected children;

with a Citizens Oversight Committee ensuring fiscal accountability by reviewing the Annual Audit?

Morgan Hill

Morgan Hill Unified School District parcel tax

To advance educational achievement, enhance and maintain essential educational programs, prevent elimination of teacher positions, provide flexibility to expand programs in music and art, provide programs for students with difficulties in basics like reading and math, and upgrade technology in classrooms and libraries, shall Morgan Hill Unified School District collect a $96 (per parcel) yearly education tax for five years, providing an exemption for senior citizens, no money for administration with citizen oversight and all money benefiting Morgan Hill Schools?

Do the citizens of the Morgan Hill ordain that Ordinance 835 N.S. Section II A. 2, regarding the portion zoned PUD-Commercial of the Morgan Hill Business Park, specifically the existing Cochrane Plaza shopping center, be amended to remove the prohibition on grocery supermarkets and to add grocery supermarkets as a permitted use?

State Offices

The June election is a primary to select party representatives for November 7 general election

Assembly District 27, including Morgan Hill and San Martin

  • John Laird, Democrat, incumbent

  • Michael Morrison, Republican, Marina City Councilman

Assembly District 28, including Gilroy

  • Anna Caballero, Democrat, Salinas mayor

  • Ana Ventura Phares, Democrat, Watsonville City Councilwoman


  • Phil Angelides, Democrat, treasurer

  • Steve Westly, Democrat, controller

  • Peter Camejo, Green, no ballot designation

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican, incumbent

State Measures

Proposition 81

Provides for a bond issue in an amount not to exceed $600 million to provide funds for the construction and renovation of public libraries.

Proposition 82

Establishes voluntary preschool for all four-year-olds. Funded by 1.7 percent tax on individual income over $400,000; couples” income over $800,000.

Federal offices

11th Congressional District, including Morgan Hill and San Martin


  • Thomas Benigno, retired businessman

  • Pete McCloskey Jr., former congressman

  • Richard Pombo, incumbent

  • Steve Thomas, union electrician


  • Steve Filson, retired military

  • Jerry McNerney, no ballot designation

15th Congressional District, including Gilroy

  • Raymond Chukwu, Republican, no ballot designation

  • Mike Honda, Democrat, incumbent

U.S. Senate

  • Dianne Feinstein, Democrat, incumbent

  • Tian Harter, Green, community volunteer

  • Richard Mountjoy, Republican, no ballot designation

Taken from information available from Santa Clara County Registrar Office at press time.

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